Jon Lebkowsky: Drought No Fireworks A Metaphor

Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
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Uncle Vanya vs Transformers near the 4th of July

It’s a weird culture that mashes Chekhov into the same week with Optimus Prime, but we followed an experience of Uncle Vanya (with terrific performances by Rob Matney and Liz Fisher, and staging that puts you right there on the farm) with a 3D romp through the Transformers universe, and somehow I’m trying to connect the dots. In Chekhov’s play, you could see trouble brewing – Rob says “that Vanya is about the moment before an epochal and cataclysmic culture shift as a culture and these lives look into a future that appears to promise little.” Sound familiar? Transformers, on the other hand, offers a world where one set of massive robotic aliens wants to enslave the human race, and another set – against all logic – are sworn to protect us. A massive battle levels Chicago; at the end, humanity is free from Decepticon enslavement (but not necessarily from our own particularly human enslavements, not addressed in the film, though the nastiest character on board is the human accountant, played by Patrick Dempsey, who makes a devil’s deal with the Decepticons).

Optimus Prime and Uncle Vanya had a partyWhile I experienced fanboy delight at the expert use of 3D and exquisitely choreographed robotic battles in the Transformers film, the very real tensions within Uncle Vanya were more real and more compelling. No Decepticons there, but the sense of a subtler, willing enslavement – hard-working farmers exploited by a spoiled elite, and everyone miserable except perhaps the character Sonya, who ends the play with these words: “We shall hear the angels, we shall see the whole sky all diamonds, we shall see how all earthly evil, all our sufferings, are drowned in the mercy that will fill the whole world. And our life will grow peaceful, tender, sweet as a caress. . . . In your life you haven’t known what joy was; but wait, Uncle Vanya, wait. . . . We shall rest.” (This makes me think of the idea of grace in Malick’s Tree of Life, which is probably a reference to the concept of “actual grace”: a supernatural gift of God to intellectual creatures (men, angels) for their eternal salvation, whether the latter be furthered and attained through salutary acts or a state of holiness.)

After Vanya and Transformers, we had a muted 4th of July – in the midst of drought, no fireworks, surely a metaphor for our times.

Seth Godin: The Arrogance of Willfull Ignorance

Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
Seth Godin Home

The arrogance of willful ignorance

People have come before us, failed, learned, written it down. Scientists have figured out what works, and proven it. Economists have gained significant understanding about the long-term impacts of short-term decisions. And historians have seen it all before.

How dare we, then, decide to just wing it? To skip class. To make up history. To imagine that science is a matter of opinion, something optional, a diversion for the leisure classes… How can we work in the marketing tech field, for example, without knowing about David Ogilvy and Lester Wunderman and Claude Hopkins? Or Kaushik and Shirky?

If you're doing important work (and I'm hoping you are), then you owe it to your audience or your customers or your co-workers to learn everything you can. Feel free to ignore what you learn, but at least learn it.

Phi Beta Iota:  Willful ignorance is a form of corruption or lack of integrity.

See Also:

Review: Daydream Believers–How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power

Review: Day of Reckoning–How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart

Review: Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of SpectacleReview: In the Name of Democracy–American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond

Review (Guest): Idiot America — How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)

DefDog: Internal US War Over Spy Blimps

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Military
DefDog Recommends....

The obvious questions, apart from how easy it is to shoot these down, is not being asked: how many deeply-qualified humans could be fielded for the same amount?  The obsession with technology continues….and the Air Force has still not solved the triple-whammy of drones:  1) the reality that pilots are cheaper than bandwidth; 2) Gorgon Stare's 50 video channels require 150 individuals (three watches of 50 each) to monitor; and 3) we are still firing very expensive munitions at people whose suspicious activity is squatting to defacate by the side of aroad.

Giant Spy Blimp Battle Could Decide Surveillance’s Future

WIRED Magazine, 6 July 2011

Noah Shachtman

Click on Image to Enlarge

How many giant experimental spy blimps does the military need over Afghanistan, exactly?

That’s one of many questions the Senate Armed Services Committee is asking after an intramilitary battle has erupted over what many expect to be the future of aerial surveillance. The Army and the Air Force each have their own football field-sized airships in the works; the Senate panel wants to know why it should pay for both — especially as the Air Force seems fickle about its model and keeps changing the spy sensors on board. Legislators are asking: What gives?

Cynthia Boaz: 14 Propaganda Techniques

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Media

14 Propaganda Techniques Fox News TV Uses to Brainwash Americans

By Cynthia Boaz

Truth Out, July 4, 2011

There is nothing more sacred to the maintenance of democracy than a free press. Access to comprehensive, accurate and quality information is essential to the manifestation of Socratic citizenship – the society characterized by a civically engaged, well-informed and socially invested populace. Thus, to the degree that access to quality information is willfully or unintentionally obstructed, democracy itself is degraded.

It is ironic that in the era of 24-hour cable news networks and “reality” programming, the news-to-fluff ratio and overall veracity of information has declined precipitously. Take the fact Americans now spend on average about 50 hours a week using various forms of media, while at the same time cultural literacy levels hover just above the gutter.

Reprinted in Al-Jazeera….

Phi Beta Iota:  Although the author focuses on Fox News, all of the propaganda techniques are common to the mainstream media that refused fully paid advertisements against the elective war on Iraq (NYT, LAT, WP) as well as Huffington Post and other minor-league leftist outlets.  “Idiot America” is the title of a serious book.   This condition will persist as long as the government–and the country as a whole–lack the integrity to restore truth to all dialog and deliberation.

Dolphin: Move to Amend (End Corporate “Personality”)

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Move to Amend: coalition to abolish corporate personhood

Cory Doctorow at 8:06 AM Saturday, Jul 2, 2011

A new coalition called Move To Amend is working to abolish corporate personhood in the US; they're working at the local and state level to pass laws to undo the work of Citizens United, the Supreme Court ruling that equated money with speech.

Boulder is not alone in this fight, nor is it the first community to consider such a resolution. In April, voters in Madison and Dane County, WI overwhelmingly approved measures calling for an end to corporate personhood and the legal status of money as speech by 84% and 78% respectively. Similar resolutions have been passed in nearly thirty other cities and counties. Resolutions have also been introduced in the state legislatures of both Vermont and Washington..

Read more….

Chuck Spinney: Why US War Machine Goes On…and On…

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney Sounds Off....

Important note to readers:  This differs from the published version.  I made one really dumb error (bold below) and corrected a few typos and added some hotlinks to aid referencing.  I apologize for my inexcusable mistake.   Chuck Spinney

July 5, 2011

Perpetual Motion

Why the War Machine Keeps on Running

By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch

Villefranche, France.

The United States has always meddled in other people's affairs. For those readers who think this statement is an exaggeration, I urge them to peruse the chronology of interventions compiled by the Congressional Research Service. This historical predilection for meddling, however, grew enormously in depth and breadth during the Cold War, and to make matters worse, it is now clear that it exploded after the end of the Cold War.

Full story with correction below the line.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Why US War Machine Goes On…and On…”

Michael Ostrolenk: Across the USA Call to End Militarism

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

Americans from Across the Political Spectrum Call for End to U.S. Militarism

Tuesday, July 5th 2011

Kevin B. Zeese
KBZeese at, 518-543-6920

Americans from Across the Political Spectrum Call for End to U.S. Militarism

Washington, DC: Putting aside political differences on other issues, Americans from across the political spectrum have sent a letter to the president and congress urging an end to U.S. militarism. The letter, spearheaded by Come Home America, cites a combination of events that present a “historic opportunity to redirect U.S. foreign policy down the pathways of peace, liberty, justice, respect for community, obedience to the rule of law and fiscal responsibility.” The full letter with all signers can be seen at www.ComeHomeAmerica.US.

Read full release…