Link TV Educating Americans About Real World

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Peace Intelligence, Whole Earth Review
John Steiner

Dear Friends far and wide:

Link TV in San Francisco is a precious resource for the progressive/transpartisan communities, and we¹re asking you to join us in making a gift to Link.

In December 1999, our good friend and colleague, Kim Spencer, launched Link TV, the first nationwide television network dedicated to providing Americans with global perspectives on news, events and culture. In the wake of media consolidation. Americans have little access to diverse perspectives on critical global issues, and Link challenges this trend.  Today, Link is now broadcast into 35 million homes across the US (largely through DISH, DIRECT TV and with some cable outlets), has 6.7 million regular viewers (many across the political and cultural divides), and provides coverage not found anywhere else in the US.

Link is the only US provider of Al Jazeera English, broadcasts Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! daily, and has won a Peabody Award for its Middle East news program, Mosaic.

Continue reading “Link TV Educating Americans About Real World”

National Security Decision-Making in the USG

10 Security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Military, Threats
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

DoD major commands have serious staffs that try to do the right thing.  The same cannot be said for White House staffers or the intelligence community staffs promoted to their maximum level of incompetence.  Reading between the lines of the below article, it's possible to see a national security decision-making process that is to close to “ready fire aim.”

Washington Post, June 5, 2011, Pg. 17

Rewriting Rumsfeld's Rules, By David Ignatius

Phi Beta Iota: David Ignatius is clearly among the lead writers striving to give Dr. Robert Gates a “legacy” (mythical as it might be).  Missing from his various odes are the fact that decisions are not being made on the basis of facts or with the public interest firmly in mind.


Afghanistan Ground Truth: Deja Vu & Nested RECAP

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney Recommends...

The Lost Villages

Saying goodbye to a once-friendly land, now taken without a fight by the Taliban.

ANNA BADKHEN, Foreign Policy, 03/06/11

BALKH PROVINCE, Afghanistan — The villages fell without a battle.

Read full article….

See Also:

Open Source Insights Into the Taliban

New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan

US Intelligence Lies to “Defer” to General Petraeus

Continue reading “Afghanistan Ground Truth: Deja Vu & Nested RECAP”

Sarah Palin’s Version of Paul Revere’s Ride

Cultural Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge

Paul Revere's Ride, Reimagined by Sarah Palin

By Tim Murphy Fri Jun. 3, Mother Jones

Here‘s how she described Paul Revere's famous ride:

“…he who warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringin' those bells and, um, makin' sure as he's ridin' his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we're gonna be secure and we were gonna be free. And we we're gonna be armed.”

See Also:

Sarah Palin on Paul Revere: Expert or Ignoramus?

Snapshot: Tea Party Headlines

Cultural Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge

Needed: A Tea Party for smart people

Protest Movement Starts ‘Rebranding’ Billionaire Koch Brothers

Wall Street Journal Honcho Shills for Secret Worker ‘Education' Program Linked to Koch Group

Jim Hightower column: Academic freedom for sale, cheap, too

Letter: Billionaires duped patriotic Americans

Koch brothers wage a war on Americans

Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress on Their Keystone XL Pipeline Interest

Phi Beta Iota: The ignorance of the public–Democrat, Republican, and Independent, is profound.  Most Tea Party members really have no idea that there are two Tea Parties, and the one that has influence is not the one they belong to.  Most citizens have no clue that to harvest oil from sands you have to use water from aquifers–water we cannot afford to waste.  Needed desperately is public intelligence in the public interest.

Republicans & Democrats Both Screwing the Public

03 Economy, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney Recommends...
My only complaint about the analytical and moral content of this speech is that Sanders is not tough enough on the Pentagon (really the MICC).
Chuck Spinney
La Ciotat, France

Published on Thursday, June 2, 2011 by

Sen. Sanders Calls Out GOP and Dems on Corporate Tax Rates, Breaks for Wealthiest

Statement and Senate Floor Remarks by Sen. Bernie Sanders

WASHINGTON – Congress and the White House are now focused on how we deal with our huge deficit — a crisis brought about over the last 10 years by two wars, tax breaks for the rich, the Wall Street bailout and a prescription drug program — all unpaid for. The deficit also increased as a result of the declining tax revenues during a current recession, caused by the greed and illegal behavior of Wall Street.

The debate over deficit reduction comes at an unusual moment in American economic history. While the middle class is in rapid decline and poverty is increasing, the wealthiest people in our country and largest corporations are doing phenomenally well. Over the last several decades almost all new income created in this country has gone to the top 1 percent, who now earn more income than the bottom 50 percent. Further, the United States now has the most unequal distribution of wealth of any major country with the top 400 individuals owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million.

Given the reality of record-breaking corporate profits and the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, it should be a surprise to no one that every recently published poll suggests that the overwhelming majority of the American people want the deficit to be addressed through shared sacrifice. They do not believe that the deficit should be reduced solely on the backs of working families, the elderly, children, the sick and the poor — many of whom are already suffering as a result of the recession. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the Republicans have proposed.

Rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: The hypocrisy of the Democratic Administration is exceeded only by the hypocrisy of the Republican Party–one bird, two wings, same shit, just different colors.   We await a knight speaking truth.

The Big Uneasy: Corps of Engineers Exposed

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Military
Home Site

Phi Beta Iota: This is public intelligence at its best.  A methodical, deep, documented look at the corruption inherent in the Corps of Engineers that the politicians at all levels that enable that corruption with their own lack of integrity.  Below from the producer:

Filmmaker's Statement

Upcoming Screenings

Research Reports


See Also:

Graphic: US Counties Protected by Levees

Reference: Maps of the Post Flood Future Geography