Mongoose: Water Scarcity for Half the World

12 Water, Earth Intelligence

More than half the world's population suffers from ‘severe' water scarcity, scientists say

Alarming new research has found that 4 billion people around the globe – including close to 2 billion in India and China – live in conditions of extreme water scarcity at least one month during the year. Half a billion, meanwhile, experience it throughout the entire year.

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Antechinus: Flawed Models, Government-Industry Corruption on Regulation of Toxic Chemicals

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude

Flawed Models and Industry Influence Affects Regulation of Toxic Chemicals

The EPA regularly contracts with for-profit consultancies to perform risk assessments used in evaluations of toxic chemicals. This gives these private organizations considerable sway in the decision-making process, often with little transparency about ties to chemical manufacturers. Health effects researchers point to flawed computer simulations and the revolving door between the EPA and consulting firms as the reason industry-supported research often concludes that exposure risks are of no concern.

Yoda: Sweden Gets It Right, Slams Saudi Arabia on Gender and Arms Sales — Missed the Export of Terrorism and Illegal Immigrants

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

yoda with light saberWho’s Afraid of a Feminist Foreign Policy?

Jenny Nordberg, New Yorker, 15 April 2015

Last month, Saudi Arabia abruptly cut ties with Sweden, recalling its ambassador and announcing that it would issue no new visas to Swedish business travelers. The cause, according to Saudi Arabia, was some remarks made by Margot Wallström, the foreign minister of Sweden.

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Dave Witzel: Shifting Plastics to a Circular Economy Could Generate Billions

Earth Intelligence
Dave Witzel
Dave Witzel

Shifting Plastics to a Circular Economy Could Generate Billions

Plastic packaging is a part of our lives. Just think of everything you buy that is packaged in plastic. But too much of it is just chucked into the garbage. Consider that 32 percent of plastic packaging never makes it into collection systems, according to a new report released by the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. That waste creates “significant economic costs by reducing the productivity of vital natural systems such as the ocean and clogging urban infrastructure,” the report’s authors wrote. The cost of thrown-away plastic packaging that isn’t recycled is “conservatively estimated” at $40 billion a year, which exceeds “the plastic packaging industry’s profit pool.”

Jean Lievens: Hope for Democratic Wealth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Hope For Imagining a World Beyond Corporate Control

Finding ways to democratically control our common wealth, from Quebec to India

An excerpt from the recent book SOS: Alternatives to Capitalism (New Internationalist Publications).

The commons is not just a battlefield between corporate predators and those who resist them – it is also a source of hope for those willing to imagine a world beyond capitalism. It represents a space between the private market and the political state in which humanity can control and democratically root our common wealth. Both the market and the state have proved inadequate for this purpose. In different ways, they have both led to a centralization of power and decision-making. Both private monopolies and state bureaucracies have proved incapable of maintaining the ecological health of the commons or managing the fair and equitable distribution of its benefits.