Mischa Popoff: COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

COVID-19 and Roundup: An Immuno-Comprised Marriage from Hell

We now know our bodies rely on trillions of microorganisms integral to our immune systems that do employ on the shikimate pathway, leading to the grave conclusion that, more so than other pesticides, Roundup contributes directly to the suppression of our immune systems.

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Yoda: Physicist – The Entire Universe Might Be a Neural Network

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Physicist: The Entire Universe Might Be a Neural Network

“The idea is definitely crazy, but if it is crazy enough to be true? That remains to be seen.”

It’s not every day that we come across a paper that attempts to redefine reality. But in a provocative preprint uploaded to arXiv this summer, a physics professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth named Vitaly Vanchurin attempts to reframe reality in a particularly eye-opening way — suggesting that we’re living inside a massive neural network that governs everything around us.

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Robert Steele: The Truth About Western Fires — Acts of Man & Weather Warfare NOT A Climate “Crisis”

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Robert Reich is a very smart man, so I have to wonder if he is being bribed or blackmailed to publish absolute crap about Western wildfires that are clearly acts of man (and stop at the Canadian border).

Trump doesn't care if wildfires destroy the west – it didn't vote for him

Graphics below the fold.

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Mark Steele: 5G Can Vaporize Bodies – Grenfell Tower!

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

The increase is as stated a 100,000 X more powerful – they are Ionizing radiation waves as the Photons are polarized and how a laser cuts stainless steel. The aluminium, tungsten, in the vaccines will cause Ionization in the body at lower levels. This means that bodies can be vaporized; in the case of Grenfell Tower all evidence points to no bodies or partial bodies left, and this is why the Fire Brigade had to sign the Official Secrets Act (OSA) in relation to Grenfell Tower atrocity.

5G base stations use up to three-and-a-half times more energy than 4G infrastructure

PDF (17 Pages): 20191213 NH Commission on 5G Health Effects