Jon Rappoport: CDC Caught Falsifying COVID-19 Numbers

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Jon Rappoport

Huge COVID case-counting deception at the CDC

The Atlantic, May 21, has the story, headlined, “How could the CDC make that mistake?”

“Just when governors are trying to reopen their economies, a gigantic case-counting deception at the CDC is taking the wind out of their sails. The millions of Americans suffering financial devastation could be pushed back into a hole. Who is screaming to high heaven about THAT on the nightly news? No one. Why not?”

Read full article.

Yoda: Got $10-30K? Invest in Ecuador Heaven Tree Farm

Earth Intelligence

Trusted Earthlings, US expatriates respected and connected locally in Ecuador, are seeking investors in what could be a new wave of ecological healing around the earth, consistent with the Duke of Malborough's trillion trees initiative.

This is a limited time offer as other sources of funding are lining up for this fall. We currently have 15,000 trees and another 50,000 root cuttings coming later this year that we'll grow into plants. The web site can be  read in English or Spanish:

Not shown on the website is this guesthouse where investors could live while checking on their investment.

David Icke: The Triumph of Human Consciousness Looms!

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

“A human is only a biological computer processing physical information in a very narrow band of frequency, for a very, very minute amount of time. Once we leave our body, we become pure consciousness and realize that all each of us ever does is… having an experience with labels: male, female, white, black Asian, whatever. Once people realize it, they become uncontrollable and… it is the nightmare of the rulers of this world. Therefore they must always remind you of your labels, take you back down to them. You don't have to live by your labels. You don't even have to acknowledge them.”

David Icke Interview 4 With Brian Rose From London Real – We Will Not Be Silenced – 14 June 2020 (Video)

East View Geospatial: PlanetSAT Global 2020 Imagery Basemap Now Available.

Earth Intelligence, Geospatial

PlanetSAT Global 2020 is available in global, continental, country or custom AOI coverage. Delivery methods include GeoTIFF, JPEG or ECW format. Sample imagery is available upon request. 

Learn more/connect to EastView.

Phi Beta Iota: East View is **THE** top provider for open source imagery, maps, and charts, including Russian combat charts with contour lines for all the third world locations for which NGA has never gotten around to 1:50,000 production.  Strongly recommended.  A national asset.

Daniel Pinchbeck: Our Regenerative Superstars

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Daniel Pinchbeck

Building Our Regenerative Future

An Initiation Into Your Highest Potential

Join activist authors and futurists Daniel Pinchbeck and Rory Spowers, with special guest faculty, for an initiatory journey through the social and ecological metamorphosis we need now.

Unlock your hidden gifts and super powers as part of a vanguard of creators, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who unite passion with purpose.

Building Our Regenerative Future features lectures, live interviews with experts in the areas we investigate, optional workshops and exercises, reading and watching lists, plus guidelines for future study.

Learn more.