J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 38 – A Quick Review

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

American Gray Swans – Week 38 – A Quick Review

As many now know the Gray Swans are an adaptation of Nassim Taleb’s famous theory on a Black Swan Event. A Black Swan is an unpredictable event that is catastrophic – a game changer. Most famous was 911. The world changed that day and virtually none of us had a plan for it.

A Gray Swan is a predictable event that is catastrophic. Unfortunately there is some quirk in human psychology that seems to ignore the inevitable. Catastrophes that are predictable yet we do not do anything about planning for them? Let us sit like ignorant “sitting ducks” and wait for a Gray Swan to land.

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Yoda: Global Warming Fraud – Top Japanese Calls It…

Earth Intelligence

Top-Level Climate Modeler Spills the Beans on the ‘Nonsense’ of ‘Global Warming Crisis’

Dr. Mototaka Nakamura, author of the book, Confessions of a Climate Scientist: the Global Warming Hypothesis Is an Unproven Hypothesis, is a top-level oceanographer and meteorologist who is calling “Nonsense!” on the models that underpin the global-warming hoax.

Other gross model simplifications include

1)    Ignorance about large and small-scale ocean dynamics

2)     A complete lack of meaningful representations of aerosol changes that generate clouds [PBI: this refers to geoengineering, a crime against humanity]

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Herland Report: Billionaires Behind the Mentally-Retarded Eco-Terrorism Zombie Child

03 Environmental Degradation, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

#Greta Thunberg is decoy, Fossil Free-groups funded by billionaires who also fund Big Oil. Somebody’s manipulating Oil


The Greta Thunberg Show: Public Child Abuse, Hanne Nabintu at WND


SPECIAL: Who Programmed the Eco-Terrorism Zombie? UPDATE 4: Mental Issues & Money Behind Zombie Child

NO CRITICISM of “Greta” allowed, as she’s a human shield who is being psychologically terrorized by the eco-fascist Left

Ed Jewett: Joseph Farrell on Sailor Suicides in Context of Electromagnetic (Fatal) Soup – 5G Connection

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Officers Call


“… unintended emotional and mental consequences of working in an environment where crew are basically immersed in an electromagnetic soup”

“thermal heating in biological tissue when working around newer radar and communications systems.”

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Joseph Farrell on Sailor Suicides in Context of Electromagnetic (Fatal) Soup – 5G Connection”

Anthony Judge: Annexing the World as the Deal of the Century Imaginative global transformation through full-spectrum dominance by #MeToo

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Annexing the World as the Deal of the Century

Imaginative global transformation through full-spectrum dominance by #MeToo

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

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