State of the Nation: Open Borders — Is Trump the Problem?

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Plot to Destroy USA

Mexico to the south and Canada to the north are both playing integral roles in the systematic destruction of America’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity… similar to how the treasonous Schengen Agreement has erased the borders on the European Continent.

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Robert Steele: Is Big Pharma Liable for Chemical Castration with Diethylstilbesterol? Are Transgenders a Birth Defect Covered by ADA? Is Attacking Sperm & Testosterone an Act of War? Vatican Weighs In…

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

Responding to

Owl: Names of the Rich White Perverts Funding the Transgender Ideology to Destroy Young Lives and Create a New Pharma-Surgical-Lifestyle Marketplace

Alert Reader writes in:

The possibility exists that these transgender males are the result of a teratogen and thus a birth defect covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since this condition creates huge economic loss in terms of earning income and huge economic costs in terms of treatment, perhaps it can be utilized as a way of shutting down Big Pharma and the chemical industry that produces additional feminizing compounds that are being fed to Americans daily. Just get the transgenders into a class action to recover economic losses from Big Pharma and related chemical induustries.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Is Big Pharma Liable for Chemical Castration with Diethylstilbesterol? Are Transgenders a Birth Defect Covered by ADA? Is Attacking Sperm & Testosterone an Act of War? Vatican Weighs In…”

Mongoose: 5G Will Vaporize (Incinerate) Bodies — Genocide with No Mess to Clean Up….

06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Earth Intelligence

Prime Minister of Poland opposes 5G. 5G can predict behavior so you can be locked up ahead of time. 5G can vaporize entire cities of bodies leaving no mess behind.  Why is Donald Tump not shutting down 5G?

Prime Minister of Poland Signs Global Appeal to Stop 5G

Physicists can predict the jumps of Schrödinger’s cat (and finally save it)

J.C. Cole: American Gray Swans – 12 June 2019

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

13 American Gray Swans – Week 23 – Boiling the Frog

I think by now most Americans know the metaphor of Boiling the Frog. It goes, if you throw a frog into a pan of boiling water it immediately jumps out to save its life, but if you put the frog in normal water and slowly turn up the heat until boiling then the frog does not realize it until it is too late.

Continue reading “J.C. Cole: American Gray Swans – 12 June 2019”

RESTORED Above Majestic: Produced by Corey Goode & Jordan Sather Directed by Roger Richards Summary Review by Robert Steele

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence


Summary Review and Additional Links Below

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Owl: Names of the Rich White Perverts Funding the Transgender Ideology to Destroy Young Lives and Create a New Pharma-Surgical-Lifestyle Marketplace

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Who? Who?

Divide & conquer goes to the next level.

Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?

Exceedingly rich, white men (and women) who invest in biomedical companies are funding myriad transgender organizations whose agenda will make them gobs of money.

Is this really a civil rights issue for a tiny part of the population with body dysphoria, or is there a bigger agenda with moneyed interests that we are not seeing? This article can only begin to graze the surface of this question, but considering transgenderism has basically exploded in the middle of capitalism, which is notorious for subsuming social justice movements, there is value in beginning this examination.

Read full article.