Anthony Judge: Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product Refugees Per Kiloton (RPK) as a missing indicator?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product

Refugees Per Kiloton (RPK) as a missing indicator?

Refugees per Kiloton?
Nature of grossness
Refugees per Kiloton as one indicator of grossness?
Data sources on Refugees per Kiloton
Preliminary evaluation of Refugees per Kiloton
Investigative and media failure?

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Cross-Cutting Intelligence Issues

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


A new report from the Congressional Research Service raises the possibility that polygraph testing of intelligence employees could be phased out in favor of “continuous evaluation” (CE), i.e. the automated monitoring of financial, criminal and other databases.

The notion was suggested in a CRS overview of selected intelligence policy issues, including budget management, the quality of analysis, big data, workforce diversity, global coverage, and transparency. The new CRS report, written by Anne Daugherty Miles, does not make recommendations, but instead presents a series of questions for congressional consideration, such as:

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Jon Rappoport: Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist

05 Energy, 07 Health, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist

Predatory corporations who spray poisonous pesticides all over the world and cause birth defects need special protection and cover? Invent, overnight, and broadcast, a consensus that a basically harmless virus is the cause of those tragic defects. I can assure you there are many scientists who don’t, for a second, believe the Zika virus is the agent of destruction. But they are keeping their mouths shut now and rolling with the tide.

Chuck Spinney: The Palestinian Question: Why the Two-State Solution is Kaput Water and the Creeping Annexation of the West Bank

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 12 Water, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

The Palestinian Question: Why the Two-State Solution is Kaput

Water and the Creeping Annexation of the West Bank

So Israel’s creeping annexation of the West Bank and its lock of the West Bank’s water resources will continue unabated, in part financed by tax deductible donations from the US, and propped up by increased military aid.

Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith on Minimum Investment to Achieve Social Mobility?

Cultural Intelligence
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

What Is the Minimum Investment Needed to Achieve Social Mobility?

For those without an inside track, high social/cultural skills are an essential foundation.

Long-time correspondent Bart D. (Australia) posed a profound question: what is the minimum investment (in time, money and effort) needed to ensure one's children have social mobility, i.e. a cultural/social passport to upper-middle class opportunities?

Anthony Judge: Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress Transcending crises of governance via reverse music and reverse speech?

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress

Transcending crises of governance via reverse music and reverse speech?

Reversal of music
Angelic versus Demonic music?
Doublespeak, reverse speech and Freudian slips?
Questionable denial and condemnation by authorities
Sonification of the European problematique and resolutique?
Symbolic public performance of the European Anthem in reverse?