Amos Gilad: The Zionist Paper Tiger – Isreal Goes Straight Toward an Implosion

Peace Intelligence
Amos Gilad, MajGen (Ret.)

Google translate of this Amos Gilad article which did not appear in English anywhere as far as I know.  The original title was “Israel is a tiger paper”

“Spider web”: “Israel goes straight to implosion” (Amos Gilad)

Original in French: “Toile d'araignée” : “Israël va droit vers l'implosion “(Amos Gilad)

It is always an important moment when the enemy passes to the confession. In the year 2000, when the Israeli army had made a humiliating withdrawal from southern Lebanon, the Hezbollah Secretary General made a famous speech in which he said: “Israel has the nuclear weapon and the first army the air of the region and yet it is more fragile than a spider's web ”

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J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans Week to 3 Jul 2019 – Sun Tzu

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

American Gray Swans – Week 26 – Sun Tzu

The Art of War, the book that was required reading for all those yuppies fighting the corporate battle 20 years ago, but did they remember what it said? Here are just a few of the teachings, followed by this weeks detailed listing of specific gray swan linked reports with commentary.

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Paul Adams: Zionist Strike 40 – Progressive Jews Call for Termination of AIPAC and Zionist Occupation of Palestine

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence
Paul Adams

Demanding End to ‘AIPAC-Created Status Quo,' Progressive Jewish Group Pressures 2020 Democrats to Take Stand Against Israel's Brutal Occupation – via

Source (TaoDaoMan @Twitter)

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Berto Jongman: Michael O’Sullivan on The End of Globalization and the Rise of Leveller and Levanthian Powers

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Globalisation is dead and we need to invent a new world order

Globalisation is already behind us. We should say goodbye to it and set our minds on the emerging multipolar world. This will be dominated by at least three large regions: America, the European Union and a China-centric Asia. They will increasingly take very different approaches to economic policy, liberty, warfare, technology and society. Mid-sized countries like Russia, Britain, Australia and Japan will struggle to find their place in the world, while new coalitions will emerge, such as a “Hanseatic League 2.0” of small, advanced states like those of Scandinavia and the Baltics. Institutions of the 20th century—the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation—will appear increasingly defunct.

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Phil Giraldi: Zionist Strike 39, Trump Shlonged Again — David Schenker, Zionist Prat Boy, as Assistant Secretary of State for Genociding Palestinians

Peace Intelligence

Welcome David Schenker

Another Zionist in charge of American foreign policy

To recap, Trump’s A-team in the Middle East is headed by his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner who is being personally advised by a group of Orthodox Jews. David Friedman, the U.S. (sic) Ambassador to Israel is also an Orthodox Jew and a former bankruptcy lawyer with no diplomatic or foreign policy credentials.

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Mongoose: The War Party (Two Wings, One Bird, Same Crap) Is At It Again –

04 Inter-State Conflict, Corruption, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

The War Party Is At It Again

There is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. And they are at it again.

Trade a Democrat for a Republican; trade a liberal for a conservative: It doesn’t matter. The War Party remains in charge either way. The people who thought they were voting for Donald Trump because he would extricate America from these endless foreign wars should realize by now that he is just another wuss for the War Party.

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