Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Zero Hedge: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican

ROBERT STEELE: This is a “who's who” for the 1% and this is the most dangerous alliance to be created in modern time. It must be killed early and its individual “leaders” removed from public life forevermore. I noticed it in 2014.

Doug Casey's International Man: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy

Council for Inclusive Capitalism (Lynn Rothschild in drag)

Council for Inclusive Capitalism and the Vatican (Pope in drag)

Continue reading “Robert Steele: After Great Reset Fails, Inclusive Capitalism Brings Us Feudalism 2.0 — Own Nothing, Lease Everything, Digital Cash, Social Credit, You are Nothing. UPDATE 1”

Robert Steele: Trump on Morocco and Western Sahara

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

This is fucking HUGE. Not only is President Trump assured of a second term, but all indications are that he will be “World Leader” and the Chosen One settling shit that has been blocked for decades by the fucking Rothschild's Deep State for centuries.  A 1000 year period of peace and prosperity for the 99% has begun.

Trump hands Morocco a long-awaited breakthrough over Western Sahara

Zero Hedge: Globalist Reset Failing? Columbia Dean a Satanic Pedophile Gone Insane?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand

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The globalists may have overplayed their hand… Many Americans are not as stupid as the elites think. They see the inconsistencies in the rhetoric and the data and they are increasingly prone to refuse to comply...”

“Free Speech Is Being Weaponized”: Columbia Dean And New Yorker Writer Urges More Censorship

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That’s right. A journalism dean and writer declaring that the problem is that free speech itself is allowing too much freedom on the Internet and other forums…

Philip Schuyler: How to Steal an Election in Four Steps

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence

How to Steal an Election in Four Steps

It was January and the Democrats had a problem: things were too good in America. No wars, improved border security, lower drug prices, lower taxes, and a bull market would likely conspire to get Trump reelected in November.

In February covid 19 reached our shores. While most of us were trying to figure out how serious it was, America’s top leftists formulated an ingenious if sadistic plan to use covid 19 to steal the presidency in November.

Here is how they did it in four steps:*

Step 1: Fake Pandemic to Kill Business & Trump Rallies*
Step 2: Media Manipulation in Favor of Biden to Point of Treason*
Step 3. The Election – Planned Fraud & Emergency Fraud*
Step 4. Selling the Biden Victory Narrative with Criminal Conspiracy*

Continue reading “Philip Schuyler: How to Steal an Election in Four Steps”

Caitlin Johnstone: In An Insane World, Revolution Is The Moderate Position

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

In An Insane World, Revolution Is The Moderate Position

It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose mass murder for profit and power.

It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose the globe-spanning power alliance that is perpetrating most of that mass murder on the world stage today.

It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose the existence of secretive government agencies which have extensive histories of committing horrific crimes.

Continue reading “Caitlin Johnstone: In An Insane World, Revolution Is The Moderate Position”

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

Short URL for telling others:

Open Your mind TO CHANGE: A guidebook to the Great Awakening

  • Preface
  • Why I Am Optimistic About the Future
  • The Great Awakening
  • The Storm: How To Prepare For a Global Corruption Purge?
  • Crossing The Schism
  • Dark And Light: The Revolution Within
  • The Silent War And Digital Soldiers
  • Death Of A SuperMafia
  • CoronaGate: The Scandal To End All Scandals
  • The Wars Of Perception Of Heaven And Hell
  • The Digital Coup And The Great Exposure



Foreword by Robert Steele Full Text Below

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth”