Mongoose: Chinese Police in the USA?

Peace Intelligence

Urgent warning from CA cops about Chinese Communist police impersonators

Intelligence experts are now weighing in on the link to China. They believe the fake police are related to covert Chinese government efforts to intimidate overseas Chinese people regarded by Beijing as dissidents or opponents of the Communist Party.

Phi Beta Iota: Although from 2019, this article is very interesting and include a photo of the Chinese police vehicle on US soil. Our conclusion is not against the Chinese it is against the FBI.  The FBI is a totally fucked up neutralized organization incapable of doing counterintelligence against all threats domestic and foreign.

See Also: The Secret Speech of General Chi Haotian

#UNRIG VIdeo (8:22) The Ghislaine Maxwell Predatory Pedophilia Entrapment Scandal — Round 9 Toward End of Zionism

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

Former US spy Robert Steele who labeled the Maxwell-Epstein pedatory pedophilia entrapment and blackmail operation a Mossad operation with CIA and FBI complicity in 2008 — while also exposing Epstein as a fake billionaire now known to have been funded by Les Wexner who is also alleged to have funded 9/11, state-sponsored terrorism by Israel covered up by Dick Cheney, — comments on the unsealing of documents in NYC by an honest judge.

Core links:

NOTE: All videos censored by YouTube, including the famous one with Judy Mikovitz outing NIH-CDC genocide against US blacks, can be found at

David DeGraw: #ParadigmShift – Counter Tyranny: Mass Transformation Via Self-Actualization

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Counter Tyranny: Mass Transformation Via Self-Actualization

One who has freed their mind, set themselves right, and in pursuit of the truth is unafraid to boldly speak their mind, even in the face of severe opposition, has, in the words of Carl Jung, “unknowingly and involuntarily become a leader” – a role model which others will naturally strive to emulate. Such an individual will have become one less pawn in an oppressive system, and whether they are aware of it or not, will have assumed a crucial role in the regeneration of society.