Matt Ehret: Open vs. Closed Systems – Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University

06 Russia, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Open vs Closed Systems- Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University

If the system intrinsic nature is presumed closed, and boundaries absolute, then fascism, zero-sum thinking and depopulation will be an unavoidable consequence. If on the other hand the system is presumed open, with relative boundaries to our growth potential, then society may yet have the ability to overcome many of the gravest challenges pressing upon our species going into a future of win-win cooperation, multipolarism and creative reason.

The three primary case studies which I explored during this short presentation include 1) the Arctic as a platform of cooperation or war, 2) the middle east under bombs, drones and regime change or the New Silk Road and finally 3) Space exploration.

Video below the fold.

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Robert Steele: CountyCoin & CountyWeb

04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

This is my “prior art” statement on CountyCoin and CountyWeb. Anyone seeking to trademark these terms will find themselves dealing with my lawyers.

This is also a foundational public statement for my private discussion of my plans and intentions in The Steele Report for Monday, 8 March 2021.

We are going to Make America Great one Constitutional County Community at a time.

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Matt Ehret: How the Deep State Overthrew Canada . . . in 1963

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

How the Deep State Overthrew the Last Nationalist Government of Canada… in 1963!

As our world continues to be pulled in two opposing directions expressed by the dystopian “end of history” vision of globalists on the one side and the new multi-polar model of “win-win cooperation” espoused by the Russia-China alliance on the other, it is a fitting moment to pause and review some of the leading battles against the hives of Malthusian technocrats who infested western society in the wake of WWII and overthrew the last genuinely nationalist federal government of Canada in 1963.

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David Lifschultz: Russia Sternly Warns Israel

Peace Intelligence


Russia has warned that a war between Syria and Iran with Israel in southern Syrian will lead to dire consequences for Israel. In such a war Iran could shut the Straits of Hormuz as it would interpret that the US ordered Israel to attack Syria as the US is doing in its recent bombing of Syria though the US was attacked in Iraq not Syria. This would bring down the entire US and world financial system almost at once, see General MacCaffrey’s analysis in footnote one explaining this. This would give us in an instant the Weimarization of the US that started in earnest with the lockdowns that will lead to changes as even now there is unrest in the US military as in Germany in 1933. According to Israel Intelligence Official Yakov Kedmi, the US cannot defeat Iran conventionally, and since Iran has nuclear missiles on its submarines which can deliver massive punishment to the US should they think of using nuclear weapons, our interpretation is that neither side will use them. Iran has also purchased hydrogen bombs from North Korea. Thus, it is checkmate for the US and Israel.

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Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1951. He finished the local English gram­mar school in 1970. After two years of compulsory military service, he began with the study of infor­ma­tics and electro­nics at the Technical University in Sofia. He had special interests in physics and ma­the­matics. At the same time he was actively involved in dissident activities against the repre­ssi­ve com­mu­nist regime in his country. He organised the first „flying universities“ in Bulgaria and wro­te literary and political essays for the underground press. In 1972 he experienced a deep spiritual catharsis (metamorphosis) and opened for the  higher transcendental dimensions.

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