Mongoose: Detroit Attorney on Electoral Fraud As Observed

Civil Society, Corruption, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

The following is from an ATTORNEY FRIEND – Brad – HIS REPORT – HIS WORDS (or of other attorneys – part of his group):

Here is a summary of what a group of attorneys observed in Detroit on Nov. 3. Note that contrary to what the MSM will tell you there is evidence for each of these claims.

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Mongoose: Is Chabad Really Being Open About Conquering the World?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

In the very last two minutes of this video given below, of a worldwide Chabad online virtual event, the Jewish singer sings how they are conquering nation after nation. What does he mean ?

LIVE: Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries

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Sidney Powell: New Legal Fund to Election Lawsuits

Civil Society, Ethics

Attorney Sidney Powell needs your immediate support to halt the certification of ballots in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Over $500,000 must be raised in the next twenty-four hours for these suits to be filed. Millions more will need to be raised to ensure victory.

The longer term mission of the fund is To protect and defend the lawful votes of American citizens, ensure election integrity, educate the world on what it means to be a constitutional Republic, and pursue legal action to preserve the vision of our Founders and to maintain this great Republic.

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