Randy Short: Rallying Blacks to Trump – Black White and Blue Film and Filmmaker Curtis Scoon Need to be Seen Across Alternative Media

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics

Dear Robert Steele:

There is a major shift in the political realm of Black American voters that is the equivalent to a philosophical civil war against the Democratic Party. The mainstream media has for three years falsely claimed that Blacks were tricked by Russian intelligence units into voting for Donald Trump. This propaganda is wholly false, and major grassroots players like filmmaker Curtis Scoon have created powerful audiovisual weapons that have imploded the vice-like grip on the loyalty of African Americans. Scoon's film “Black, White, and Blue” destroys the leftist domination over the narrative of Black sentiments about America. Scoon's film represents the hidden voice of “shy Republican” Black voters who played a decisive role in the presidential defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Scoon's sharp pro-Black and pro-American perspective is reflective of millions of African Americans who have quietly abandoned the burning Democratic House.

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Mongoose: Is Donald Trump a Zionist Chabad Bitch?

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence

Donald Trump, John Hagee, Zionism And The Chabad

Pastor Chuck Baldwin

King Solomon wrote, “Much study is a weariness of the flesh.” (Eccl. 12:12 KJV) I will add that it doesn’t make one a lot of friends either—especially if what one discovers through his studies cuts against the grain of commonly accepted teaching.

In my message to Liberty Fellowship last Sunday, I made the point that Zionism is one of America’s greatest threats. I do not say that lightly. Many years and untold hours of laborious study have led me to that conclusion. Only the lack of truth-preaching (including truth-preaching about Zionism) from America’s pulpits is a greater threat to our country. Beyond that, Zionism is one of the most politically protected institutions in America. No! It is THE most politically protected institution in the country. Bar none!

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Berto Jongman: New Research – Four in Five Catholic Priests Are Gay

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims

French journalist’s book is a ‘startling account of corruption and hypocrisy’, publisher says

Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active, it is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican.

The 570-page book, which the French journalist and author Frédéric Martel spent four years researching, is a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican”, according to its British publisher Bloomsbury.

Read full article.

JC Cole: American Gray Swans USA 14 Feb 2019

01 Agriculture, 06 Family, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

My mission is to change the paradigm on investment in Small Sustainable farms in America. It is clear – if we do not create “true” sustainable agriculture then we will not be here as a species very long. Further , if we do not create a diversified, balanced, and healthy “Food Grid” in America we will not be here as a country very long. I consider this a “National Security” issue.

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Robert Steele: Uniting Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties — They Still Ignore the ONE THING That Would Bring Them to Power

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption
Robert David STEELE Vivas

This is so important I am going to republish the entire thing. The three parties — all important — ignore the one thing that would bring them all to power: #UNRIG – Election Integrity Act (updated graphic below the fold). One wonders if all three parties are controlled opposition and they are ignoring authentic and holistic election reform precisely because their officers have been bribed and blackmailed to ignore — at all costs — authentic and holistic election reform that would take down the two-party tyranny that enables the Deep State, its Zionist underbelly, and the Shadow Government still run by Dick Cheney?

Where Greens and Libertarians Can Agree – OpEd (10 Things)

Full Text and #UNRIG Graphic Below the Fold.

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Yoda: Anti-Zionist BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement Gaining Global Support

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Israel fights BDS movement as pro-Palestinian campaign gains global support

During the summer, more than a dozen performers backed out of Israel's Meteor Festival after headliner Lana Del Rey canceled.

Scientists, academics and even fruit fans have backed BDS: Grape exports to Europe from the Jordan Valley in the West Bank have fallen by 80 percent since 2007 because of boycotts, according to the head of the regional council there.

The election of BDS supporters Rashida Tlaib and Ilham Omar to Congress and cover from senior senators indicate that the movement has reached a “tipping point,” according to Omar Barghouti.

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