Owl: Pocahontas Revenge – Deep State False Flag White-Faces a Filipino UPDATE 6: Sayoc with Democratic Donor

Civil Society, Corruption, IO Deeds of War
Who? Who?

This web page supplies a compilation of news about Florida bombing suspect, Cesar Sayoc. It especially notes the sloppiness and amateurishness of whichever Deep State operatives set up Sayoc to be a patsy in a FF making Trump and Republicans look blameworthy for the bomb packages:

CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness saturation of their Cesar Sayoc mug shot. “Blast it to ‘blindingly white’! I want to see Sammy Sosa after a week-long chemical peel!”, yells Jeff Zucker. His [Sayoc’s] van windows were plastered with oddly fresh Trump stickers. The Deep State went a little overboard with the pro-MAGA signaling. Talk about Narrative collapse.

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Betty Boop: Desperate Democrats in Texas Mail Completed Voter Registration Forms to Non-Citizens — Criminal Probe Sought

Civil Society, Corruption

Criminal probe sought as Dems ask non-citizens to register to vote

Party mailed application with preprinted citizenship affirmation

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been asked to launch a criminal investigation into a mailing by Democrats of voter-registration forms that have the citizenship box pre-checked.

It effectively invites non-citizens to register to vote in the coming election, urging them to sign the form and mail it immediately.

Read full article.

Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German's Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

The Sandy Hook School Shooting, of December 2012, is the continuation of events and agenda that deliberately incited World War Two (WW2) – ultimately resulting in the western world being captured and enslaved by a mentally ill cult, which today masquerades as a morally enlightened, culturally advanced state of benevolence shielding people from hate, racial disharmony, resource disparity, while progressing toward an egalitarian nirvana.

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WW2 was a premeditated war, a stepping stone toward removing from the Earth, forever, people who would and could stand in the way of an attempt to destroy nation-states, nationalism and racial bloodlines. The idea of creating a world of masters and slaves, with a ruling class coming from a small group of self-designated “chosen ones,” whose stated designs on world domination has been known for thousands of years, is not new, its only been censored from modern Western History.

Continue reading “Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German's Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution”