Robert Steele: 1987 MPA Examination Notes

Ethics, Government

I thought it might be useful to anyone studying for an MPA final examination to have these notes. They are what I used to cap off a 4.0 performance that also earned me Pi Alpha Alpha national honor society membership.

It took me ten days to organize these notes and then memorize the top level guide.

PDF (65 Pages): 1987 MPA Examination Steele Preparation Notes

I have also fixed the broken links for the source documents below:

Robert Steele: Is Jonathan Turley a Turd? Or a Puppet?

Corruption, Government

Turley's recent article, below, is quite astonishing to me. I used to respect him. The article below is a a turd in the punch bowl. For Turley to think for one second that President Trump was impeachable is to suggest that Turley has lost his mind and is a complete turd.  On the other hand, Turley could be a puppet. Of whom I neither know nor care. The “impeachment” was theater. It disgraced the Congress  and demonstrated to the public that we have no Congress worthy of the name.  I think Turley gets that. The question is: why can he not demonstrate more intelligence with integrity? Is Turley lost or just compromised? Of course they tanked it.  This is a Wrestlemania drama.

Did the Democrats “Tank” The Second Trump Trial?


Better Stuff by Turley @ Phi Beta Iota in the Past

Covert Action Magazine: Joe Biden As Israel’s Bitch?

05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

Part 4 of: WHO IS JOE BIDEN, REALLY? — CAM exposes his 30-year history as a pawn of U.S.-Israel policy despite its ongoing violation of Palestinian rights and crimes against humanity.

While Democrats accused Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, they don’t seem to care that Biden is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the Israeli lobby.

DefDog: Israel Threatens USA After Receiving $40B in US Aid To Be Used for State-Sponsored Terrorism, Crime, & Genocide

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid

Knesset member Ayoob Kara, who is part of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, on Tuesday threatened that Israel is prepared to abandon America and ally with China and Russia if Biden “reneges on America’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and signs a nuclear deal with Iran.”

Continue reading “DefDog: Israel Threatens USA After Receiving $40B in US Aid To Be Used for State-Sponsored Terrorism, Crime, & Genocide”

Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency



Sidney Powell has been served in the 1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit.

Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served in Biltmore Forest with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit

Because the entire US legal system is compromised, absent some additional defenses it is entirely possible she could be framed and convicted  the way General Michael Flynn was framed and convicted, with the Department of Justice and Covington & Burling being parties to the false arrest, conviction, and punishment of General Flynn.  My views are below.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View”