Matt Taibbi: Trump Excels in 1% Bail-Out, Blowing the 99% Bail-Out — Main Street Being Screwed While Wall Street Loots Away?

03 Economy, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Matt Taibbi

The Trickle-Up Bailout

It’s early days, but the Federal Reserve “bazooka” has mostly impacted the 1%

As we head into the second month of pandemic lockdown, two parallel narratives are developing about the financial rescue. In one, ordinary people receive aid through programs that are piecemeal, complex, and riddled with conditions.

Meanwhile, “relief” programs aimed at the top income levels were immediate, staggering in size and scope, and often appeared as grants rather than loans.

Read full essay — it damns the Trump Administration in c ompelling terms.

Robert Steele: How NOT To Display a Threat UPDATE: False Numbers

Commerce, Government, Idiocy, IO Impotency

Below is a truly idiotic alleged White House “dashboard” on the corona virus.  See it live at This is the kind of thing people create who have zero understanding of holistic analytics or true cost economics. A proper Presidential dashboard would allow the visualization of this annoying fake pandemic in relation to all other deaths by location and demographic, and it would show the true cost of the lockdown by the hour by location and demographic.

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