SchwartzReport: The Terminal Cancer of Corrupt Government

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

Here is more proof of the demise of the American democracy, and the vassal status of the Congress as the non-geographical corporate states become the dominate powers of the age.

Worst Congress Money Can Buy
BILL MOYERS and MICHAEL WINSHIP, Editor-in-Chief and Senior Fellow – Salon/ Moyers & Company

This is the bitter truth of the economic policies that have dominated the U.S., and the world since Reagan, through Republican and Democratic administrations. The Sequester alone, I believe, we will discover killed thousands of people.

How Austerity Is Literally Killing People
TRAVIS WALDRON – Think Progress

We are beginning to see the rise of contractor militias operating in the U.S., as this report makes clear. It is an extension of the same thinking that privatized large segments of the Iraq War. The growing relationship between the company that was formerly Blackwater and Monsanto is another example. This is an extraordinarily dangerous trend.

Why Such Secrecy About Private Military Contractor’s Men Working the Event?
DAVE LINDORFF – Nation of Change

Others are beginning to recognize the great geopolitical shift that I have been writing about for almost 15 years — the rise of the non-geographical corporate states Here is an example.

This Faith in the Markets Is Misplaced: Only Governments can Save our Living Planet
GEORGE MONBIOT – The Guardian (U.K.)

If you have been reading SR for a while you know my views on the Great Schism Trend, and my belief that it was only a matter of time before social progressives woke up to the benefits of States Rights and to letting the Theocratic Right, as it constantly claims it wants to, take the Red value states and go its own way. It is happening, as this essay makes obvious, and I believe we will hear more and more about this.

Memo to the South: Go Ahead, Secede Already!
LEE SIEGEL – The Daily Beast

Berto Jongman: The Nation on “You Are A Guinea Pig” for the Largest Most Complex Testing of Toxic Materials in History. There is no opt-out option.

03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

You Are a Guinea Pig

David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

The Nation,

A hidden epidemic is poisoning America. The toxins are in the air we breathe and the water we drink, in the walls of our homes and the furniture within them. We can’t escape it in our cars. It’s in cities and suburbs. It afflicts rich and poor, young and old. And there’s a reason why you’ve never read about it in the newspaper or seen a report on the nightly news: it has no name—and no antidote.

The culprit behind this silent killer is lead. And vinyl. And formaldehyde. And asbestos. And Bisphenol A. And polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). And thousands more innovations brought to us by the industries that once promised “better living through chemistry,” but instead produced a toxic stew that has made every American a guinea pig and has turned the United States into one grand unnatural experiment.

Today, we are all unwitting subjects in the largest set of drug trials ever. Without our knowledge or consent, we are testing thousands of suspected toxic chemicals and compounds, as well as new substances whose safety is largely unproven and whose effects on human beings are all but unknown. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) itself has begun monitoring our bodies for 151 potentially dangerous chemicals, detailing the variety of pollutants we store in our bones, muscle, blood and fat. None of the companies introducing these new chemicals has even bothered to tell us we’re part of their experiment. None of them has asked us to sign consent forms or explained that they have little idea what the long-term side effects of the chemicals they’ve put in our environment—and so our bodies—could be. Nor do they have any clue as to what the synergistic effects of combining so many novel chemicals inside a human body in unknown quantities might produce.

Read full article.

DefDog: Self-Inflicted Terror – An Illustrated Essay About Boston, NATO, & the USA

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, DHS, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military

For reflection — a number of well-sequenced photographs are included.  Concludes that only three people actually died across entire event, virtually all those injured were actors.

‘The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.  Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an
invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.' — Edward Bernays, 1928, pg.1, Propaganda

Domestic Terror and Police-State

Zahir Ebrahim | Project

April 18, 2013 | Last updated April 28, 2013 01:32 am

Reflections of a tired activist

Read full article with links and photos.

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Berto Jongman: ‘Lost’ report exposes Brazilian Indian genocide 25 April 2013

01 Brazil, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

‘Lost’ report exposes Brazilian Indian genocide 25 April 2013

A shocking report detailing horrific atrocities committed against Brazilian Indians in the 1940s, 50s and 60s has resurfaced – 45 years after it was mysteriously ‘destroyed’ in a fire.

The Figueiredo report was commissioned by the Minister of the Interior in 1967 and caused an international outcry after it revealed crimes against Brazil’s indigenous population at the hands of powerful landowners and the government’s own Indian Protection Service (SPI). The report led to the foundation of tribal rights organization Survival International two years later.

Brazilian Birth Control: Cut Mother in Half  -  Click on Image to Enlarge
Brazilian Birth Control: Cut Mother in Half – Click on Image to Enlarge

The 7,000-page document, compiled by public prosecutor Jader de Figueiredo Correia, detailed mass murder, torture, enslavement, bacteriological warfare, sexual abuse, land theft and neglect waged against Brazil’s indigenous population. Some tribes were completely wiped out as a result and many more were decimated.

The report was recently rediscovered in Brazil’s Museum of the Indian and will now be considered by Brazil’s National Truth Commission, which is investigating human rights violations which occurred between 1947 and 1988.

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Other examples include the poisoning of hundreds of Indians with sugar laced with arsenic, and severe methods of torture such as slowly crushing the victims’ ankles with an instrument known as the ‘trunk’.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: ‘Lost’ report exposes Brazilian Indian genocide 25 April 2013”

Mini-Me: Clergy Kept From Injured in Boston — and Now the Injured Have Vanished….

IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Clergy Were Reportedly Banned From the Deadly Boston Bombing Scene — Here Are the Details

The chaos that unfolded in the minutes and hours following two deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon earlier this month was widely reported. But one of the finer details that has been given little attention until now is the role — or lack thereof — that clergy played directly following the carnage.

A new report in the Wall Street Journal claims that faith leaders were very literally banned from the trauma scene. As individuals lay on the ground maimed and suffering from unimaginably-dire wounds, nearby clergy were not allowed to enter to give last rights or even to comfort the victims.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Clergy Kept From Injured in Boston — and Now the Injured Have Vanished….”

8-9 July 2013 Lyon, France: Global Police Focus on Technology Against Crime

Ethics, Law Enforcement
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman


A unique gathering of senior ministerial officials, chiefs of police and security services, leaders of industry, and researchers

  • 600 international participants expected
  • A unique format: business, innovative and prospective
  • Participation of international ministers and of official delegations of INTERPOL member countries
  • A strategic and prospective debate
  • A shared objective: PROTECTING THE FUTURE

8-9 July 2013

Lyon, France

Conference Page

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Chuck Spinney: America’s War Games — to the Death

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Almost 23 years ago, I wrote a short pamphlet, Defense Power Games.  My aim then (as it is now) was to explain why the end of the Cold War would not produce a peace dividend in the form of reduced defense budgets that were substantially lower that those averaged during America's Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Take a quick scan of Defense Power Games … now watch this 25 minute video — America's War Games — (also on youtube here)  just released by Aljazeera for its People and Power segment.  The video explains why the end of the War on Terror will not, like the end of the Cold War did not, result in a peace dividend

Santayana wrote that those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it.  After watching “America's War Games,”  ask yourself two simple questions:

  1. “What has changed since the Defense Power Games pamphlet was published in 1990?”
  2. “Will the end of the War on Terror produce a dividend?”

I submit the answers are self-evident: (1) “Nothing” and (2) “No”

But one thing that has changed: Our economy is in far greater trouble today than it was in 1990, although the seeds for the current disaster were being merrily planted during the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, as well as in the 1990s, not to mention the first decade of the 21st Century.  And this time around, it ought to be clear that continuing to assign grossly excessive amounts of scarce resources (capital and skilled labour) to defense spending will make America's current economic problems worse.

So, how can we reduce the defense budget to free up the funds needed by both the private and public sectors to reinvigorate our economy?

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: America's War Games — to the Death”