Phil Giraldi: Dealing With Israel

Academia, Civil Society, Commerce, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Non-Governmental

More Suggestions for Dealing with Israel

Recusal and banning dual nationality good places to start

Recusal is defined as removing oneself from participation to avoid a conflict of interest due to lack of impartiality while refusing to issue clearances would completely block dual national Israeli and other foreign citizens from having high level positions in the U.S. government.

James Fetzer: John C. A. Manely on 20 Reasons Mandatory Facemakes are Treason and a High Crime Against the Public

07 Health, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Media
Jim Fetzer

John C. A. Manley, 20 Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral

1. Cavities 2. Facial Deformities 3. Acne Vulgaris 4. Increased Risk of COVID-19 5. Bacterial Pneumonia 6. Immune Suppressing 7. Germophopia 8. Toxic 9. Psychologically Harmful

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Robert Steele: The States (and Counties) Spank the Feds

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

North Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma… The resistance is slowly organizing.

Oklahoma Legislature to Institutionalize Nullification – The New American

Two weeks ago, Oklahoma’s Republican governor, Kevin Stitt, issued an executive order to nullify the executive orders of President Joe Biden that Stitt considered both unconstitutional and damaging to the oil and gas industry, so important to Oklahoma’s economy. Now, the Republican-dominated legislature is moving to institutionalize nullification of illegal acts by the federal government.

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Robert Steele: FBI SWAT Team Against a Doctor Truther? Does FBI Have a Death Wish?

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

Frontline Doctor Simone Gold: FBI ‘Broke Down My Door’ In Swat Team Raid Of 20 Men. Must See Simone Gold Interview With Michelle Malkin On Stop Medical Discrimination!

ROBERT STEELE: I weep for the FBI. Founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail; castrated by Congress to prevent future Abscams, this organization is now a fucking joke, dangerous to itself and to society.