Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Direct Testimony on Google Perfidy (Zach Vorhies)

Commerce, Corruption, Media

NOTE: The source is sporadically blicked and often at risk to total deplatforming. Below the fold is a partial backup copy of testimony.  Good news: Google/Yahoo may have accepted Trump threat/offer and are now playing straight.  This remains to be proven over time.

We're in a Full-Blown War

Zach Vorhies on

Partial copy below the fold.

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QAnon: The Final Battle Begins — Down with Media and Social Media Who Censor, Embrace Corruption, Represent the Deep State, and Are In A State of Treason Against the USA

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Media

Below the fold are three vitally important drops from Q that have immediately relevance to the forthcoming resurrection of America the Beautiful.


Source (28 March 2020)

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State of the Nation: Jon Rappoport on New Attacks Planned Against President Trump as “Science Denier” Because of His Refutation of Fake Pandemic and CDC LIes

Corruption, Government, Media

CIA’s Mockingbird Media Bares the Long Knives for Trump

COVID: The Media Dragons are out for Trump’s blood

Trump crossed another line. He spoke about wanting to turn the economy back on by Easter. He said the cure (locking down the country) isn’t supposed to be worse than the disease.

Continue reading “State of the Nation: Jon Rappoport on New Attacks Planned Against President Trump as “Science Denier” Because of His Refutation of Fake Pandemic and CDC LIes”