Mongoose: Hospitals Harming Moms — and Babies

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Media

Alert Reader writes in:

I could give you the names of all the  hospitals from coast to coast where we have representatives reporting back to me.  Masks are mandatory.  So much for “Breathe, breathe and count through the contractions”.

Better yet: babies are being tested at birth for Covid.  If baby tests “positive” (right out the womb.  How can that be?), baby does not go home with mom.  Baby is kept in the hospital  for 14 days, bottle-fed chemical crap. If mom tested positive (mandatory as soon as they walk into the hospital to give birth) mom goes home alone and is NOT allowed to come and visit baby held hostage for 14 days. Try breast-feeding after 14 days of bottle! Ain't gonna happen.

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Zero Hedge: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses Trump Marking First GOP Endorsement In Almost 50 Years

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Media

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses President Trump, Marking First GOP Endorsement In Almost 50 Years

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – a well known paper in a key battleground state – came out on Sunday morning and announced their endorsement of President Donald Trump. It's the first Republican the paper has endorsed for President since 1972 – nearly fifty years ago.

In an editorial called “The Man And The Record“, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette makes the case for shaking off arguments about Trump's personality and putting a focus on his record.

Mongoose: Best New Analysis of COVID-19 Crime Against Humanity for Which Hundreds Should Hang for Mass Murder and Treason

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Media, Non-Governmental

Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun

“We're basing our government policy, our economic policy and the policy of restricting fundamental rights presumably on completely wrong data and assumptions about the coronavirus. If it weren't for the test results that are constantly reported in the media, the pandemic would be over, because nothing really happened.”

Read full overview with foundational video.

Robert Steele: Human Cells, DNA, 5G

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Media

I was perhaps the first to connect 5G with the fake pandemic, and to point out that radiation sickness presents as the flu.

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack?

The below article is well worth reading, I save an extract below the fold.

5G millimeter waves could trigger virus creation like COVID-19 in cells

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Human Cells, DNA, 5G”

Video (49:00) Crimes against Humanity – International Lawsuit Over Corona Scam & Harm to Global Economy and Society

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

“Probably the Biggest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed”

BitChute Safety Copy Below the Fold

Continue reading “Video (49:00) Crimes against Humanity – International Lawsuit Over Corona Scam & Harm to Global Economy and Society”