Steven Aftergood: CRS on US [Subsidized] Arms Sales to Middle East

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Military, Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood


Some restrictions on U.S. arms sales to human rights violators in the Middle East have recently been relaxed by the Trump Administration, a new report from the Congressional Research Service noted.

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Mongoose: Who Rules America? ZioCons!

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence

Who Rules America?

The Power Elite in the Time of Trump

In the last few months, several competing political, economic and military sectors – linked to distinct ideological and ethnic groups – have clearly emerged at the centers of power.

We can identify some of the key competing and interlocking directorates of the power elite:

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Devin Foley: The Deep State – How It Came to Be and Why It Fights So Hard

Corruption, Government, Military

Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman for finding this gem.

The Deep State: How it Came to Be and Why it Fights so Hard

The members of the Deep State are fighting not only for money and power, but their very sense of being.

Increasingly, it looks like the political fight isn’t between Republicans and Democrats, but rather the American people against the Deep State. More and more often we are seeing bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials of both parties circle the wagons so to say in an effort to prevent any true reforms of our government.

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Berto Jongman: Trump Overthrown by Military Coup?

Corruption, Military, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Trump has been subject to a military coup behind the scenes – this is the beginning of the end for his presidency

He is now so enfeebled that the Generals and Admirals are not just emboldened to ignore his orders with contempt (not a blind bit of notice was taken of his ban on transgender people in the military). They are dictating foreign policy even when it directly undermines the support of Trump’s base

Owl: Will US Military Nuke Guam in a False Flag to Blame North Korea?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Military, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

Nuclear False Flag Brewing, Brought to You by US Military

If Guam is soon blown away by a nuke, as the MSM says may happen, don't assume it came from North Korea, whatever the MSM says:

“What matters for the purpose of this consideration is not whether or not North Korea does in fact have long-range nuclear capability, what matters is that the US war machine wants you to think that it does right now.

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Mongoose: William Tompkins on extraterrestrials & US Secret Space Programs

Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Military

TWO PARTS : William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

Two Videos Below the Fold.

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