Journal: Al Qaeda Has a Regional Strategy, Does US?

08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Military, Peace Intelligence

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‘The real danger is that al Qaeda and the Neo-Taliban will drag the United States into regional war’

Syed Saleem Shahzad

The Obama administration’s troop surge fails to address the real threat in Afghanistan: the insurgents’ efforts to develop a regional strategy in South Asia. Washington’s focus—members of al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and the traditional Afghan Taliban—misses the mark. Nir Rosen does, too, when he asks whether “a few hundred angry, unsophisticated Muslim extremists really pose such grave dangers to a vigilant superpower, now alert to potential threats.”

The November 2008 Mumbai attacks and the recent FBI arrests in Chicago for conspiracy to launch attacks in New Delhi suggest that containing the threat from Afghanistan is extremely complicated, and solutions must go beyond troop surges in Afghanistan, training Afghan police and soldiers, or even political dialogue with Taliban commanders inside the country. Intelligence agencies are now realizing that both the Mumbai events and the Delhi plans—plotted directly by al Qaeda affiliated groups, which I call the Neo-Taliban—were directly linked to Afghanistan, but also incorporated wider aims. The goal was to expand the theater of war to India so that Washington would lose track of its objectives and get caught in a quagmire.

Journal: United Nations–Death to Pets, Cows & Sheep

Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players, Policies

Ban-Ki Moon
Ban-Ki Moon

NEWSWIRE: United Nations (New York). The Secretary General of the United Nations today called for the death of all pets, but especially dogs and cats.  He also called for a 20% reduction in all livestock grown for consumption for each year until all humans adopted a vegetarian diet, citing Francis Lappe Moore's book Diet for a Small Planet as the single most authoritative reference in any language written in all time.

Below is the principal scientific finding, every bit as robust and indisputable as the  science of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  The Secretary General is reported to have said “Now that ClimateGate is old news, it is time for PetGate.”

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend

PARIS (AFP) – Man's best friend could be one of the environment's worst enemies, according to a new study which says the carbon pawprint of a pet dog is more than double that of a gas-guzzling sports utility vehicle.

But the revelation in the book Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living by New Zealanders Robert and Brenda Vale has angered pet owners who feel they are being singled out as troublemakers.

The Vales, specialists in sustainable living at Victoria University of Wellington, analysed popular brands of pet food and calculated that a medium-sized dog eats around 164 kilos (360 pounds) of meat and 95 kilos of cereal a year.

Combine the land required to generate its food and a “medium” sized dog has an annual footprint of 0.84 hectares (2.07 acres) — around twice the 0.41 hectares required by a 4×4 driving 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) a year, including energy to build the car.

. . . . . .

And pets' environmental impact is not limited to their carbon footprint, as cats and dogs devastate wildlife, spread disease and pollute waterways, the Vales say.

With a total 7.7 million cats in Britain, more than 188 million wild animals are hunted, killed and eaten by feline predators per year, or an average 25 birds, mammals and frogs per cat, according to figures in the New Scientist.

Likewise, dogs decrease biodiversity in areas they are walked, while their faeces cause high bacterial levels in rivers and streams, making the water unsafe to drink, starving waterways of oxygen and killing aquatic life.

And cat poo can be even more toxic than doggy doo — owners who flush their litter down the toilet ultimately infect sea otters and other animals with toxoplasma gondii, which causes a killer brain disease.

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Journal: USAID in Afghanistan

08 Wild Cards, Gift Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence
 Home > Asia > Afghanistan  An Afghan construction worker places mud on a wall for a new building in a school in Taloqan, east of Kundus, April 23, 2009. (Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters)
Home > Asia > Afghanistan An Afghan construction worker places mud on a wall for a new building in a school in Taloqan, east of Kundus, April 23, 2009. (Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters)

USAID: Understaffed and overwhelmed in Afghanistan

Obama's troop surge fails to address how to improve delivery of aid.

A dramatic shortage of program officers as well as auditors and investigators and poor security conditions on the ground have all conspired, the 128-page report concludes, to “significantly impair” the objectives of USAID’s mission, which is to provide economic development and humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and around the world.

The failure of USAID to effectively monitor the development projects threatens to undermine the U.S. military’s new counterinsurgency strategy and troop surge, which is built upon the effective delivery of aid in the struggle against the Taliban for hearts and minds.

Journal: MILNET Headlines (Selected)

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Military
We always do the right thing---we just try everything else first....
We always do the right thing---we just try everything else first....

AA:  Playboy undercover with Dennis Montgomery, who ‘fooled CIA over Al-Jazeera codes'

AA:  Our Flip-Flopping Wars

AF: Afghanistan For The Short Term

AF: Allegation: Some Contractors In Afghanistan Paying Protection Money To Taliban

AF: First New U.S. L-3 Spy Plane Due In Afghanistan By Christmas

AF: The Familiar Road To Failure In Afghanistan

IQ: ‘It’s A Whole New Mission’–Iraq: Stryker troops doing detective work

IR: Top US Officer: Force Must Be Option For Iran

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

Communities of Practice, Mobile, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Real Time, Searches, Threats, Topics (All Other), True Cost, United Nations & NGOs, Worth A Look

INTELLIGENCE is DECISION-SUPPORT.  The process of intelligence is separate from whether the sources and methods are secret or not.  There is nothing secret, unethical, or illegal about the process of intelligence as decision-support.

Original “Class Before One” (2010 Class 001 in Planning)

2007 United Nations “Class Before One” Infomation-Sharing and Analytics Orientation

Other references:

Continue reading “Search: United Nations Intelligence Training”

Journal: Resources on Terrorism and Jihad

08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Analysis, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence
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Berto Jongman Recommends...

A 9/11 in Indonesia: JI's planned aviation attack: info Noordin Top's laptop

Countering terrorist ideology: the ideological response unit (Singapore)

Global (Terrorism) Pathfinder (Singapore)

The ICPVTR Terrorism Database – Global Pathfinder – is a one-stop repository for information on the current and emerging terrorist threat. The database focuses on terrorism and political violence in the Asia-Pacific region – comprising of Southeast Asia, North Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and Oceania.

In addition to providing the latest information on terrorist attacks and pronouncements, Global Pathfinder also includes over a hundred terrorist training manuals, counter terrorism legislations and conventions, analytical papers on terrorist ideologies, commentaries on terrorist trends and patterns, transcripts of landmark cases, interviews with terrorists as well as photographs from different conflict zones across the world. Further, Global Pathfinder also has a huge collection of jihadi websites, the contents of which are routinely translated and analysed by our analysts.

The Global Jihad Network: Why and How al–Qaeda UsesComputer Technology to Wage Jihad

One of the main architects of the new al-Qaeda is a man named Abu Musab al-Suri.  He put down his vision for the future of jihad in a book entitled Call for Worldwide Islamic Resistance, a one-thousand six-hundred page manifesto published on  the Internet in 2004.

…he sought “…to transfer the training to each house of each district in the village of every Muslim….making appropriate training materials available to more than a billion Muslims….

Systems Approach To Terrorism: Countering The Terrorist Training Subsystem

Celebi's thesis focuses on the use of the Internet both in general and in the case of the Kurdish group PKK. The work is strongest in its discussion of what the author calls the training subsystem, and in his explication of that system as involving more than tradecraft and being increasingly based online. This training subsystem is seen as having four core functions:

1. The training subsystem creates, intensifies and sustains the competence, commitment and the skills that the terrorists will apply to reach their goals.

2. The training subsystem not only teaches the ways and means, but also justifies them by means of intensive indoctrination.

3. The training subsystem establishes ties to the group and creates a sense of belonging.

4. The training subsystem enables knowledge to be stored inside the boundaries of the system, and facilitates its passing through generations.

Journal: Update on Combatting Global Terrorism

09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Government, Law Enforcement, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence
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Berto Jongman Recommends...

Kudos should be given to the UN’s Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) for producing what is perhaps the most comprehensive and frank assessments to date of the international community’s implementation of Security Council Resolution 1373 and the measures adopted to combat international terrorism. Their report was presented to the Security Council by CTED Executive Director Mike Smith on December 16th and provides detailed information on what is actually being done, on the vulnerabilities, and on the technical assistance required. It provides a thematic overview of the laws and actions taken in the areas of enforcement, border control, countering the financing of terrorism, and international cooperation as well as a region by region assessment. Human rights considerations are also addressed.  The report should be read closely.