Alexandria Bruce: John Roberts, Jeff Epstein and the Plot to Murder SCOTUS Justices

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government

John Roberts, Jeff Epstein and the Plot to Murder SCOTUS Justices

This video gives us some background about Chief Justice Roberts. It was posted on Telegram yesterday morning by superlawyer, Lin Wood in 8 parts, which I strung back together again, uploaded and transcribed, below.

It’s an interview with a government whistleblower known as JohnHereToHelp (JHTH), in which he describes how Chief Justice Roberts adopted his children with the help of Jeffrey Epstein and then he proceeded to use his children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people.

See video and read text summary.


Mongoose: In Passing – Rothschilds of Note Still Alive

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption

Rothschild Heirs: Who Are the Living Descendants of Europe's Famous Banking Dynasty

Of particular note:

David Rene de Rothschild

The family’s UK and French branches were united in 2003 under the leadership of French banker David René de Rothschild. At 78, he remains chairman of Switzerland-based Rothschild Continuation Holdings and holds a position on the governing board of the World Jewish Congress. He's currently based in Normandy.

Read full article.