Steve Aftergood: Intelligence Lessons from Fort Hood — Information Systems (and Legal) Still Stink

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


In 2010, then-Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair convened a panel to review the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting committed by Army Maj. Nidal Hasan and the Christmas Day bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aboard Northwest Flight 253. A redacted version of the resulting panel report was finally declassified and released this week.


“Inadequate information technology runs through both the Fort Hood and the NW Flight 253 narratives, particularly the inability of IT systems to help analysts locate relevant reporting in a sea of fragmentary data or to correct for seemingly minor human errors.”

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Mongoose: Hillary Clinton’s Secret Spy Network….

Commerce, Corruption, Government

What Was a Member of Clinton's ‘Secret Spy Network' Doing While Working for CBS News?

In March, an investigation by ProPublica and Gawker revealed that a “secret spy network” that was not on the State Department payroll, run by longtime Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, was “funneling intelligence about the crisis in Libya directly to the Secretary of State’s private account starting before the Benghazi attack.” Now the WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that Tyler Drumheller, the former chief of the CIA’s clandestine service in Europe who was working directly with Blumenthal as a member of Clinton’s spy network, was concurrently working as a consultant to CBS News and its venerable news program 60 MinutesRead more.


Chuck Spinney: Saudi Arabian Collapse — Bad Rulers, No Water? A Case Study…

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 12 Water, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

I want to flag and discuss two articles.  The first, Saudi Royal calls for regime change in Riyadh, is a report in the Guardian by Hugh Miles.  He describes the four immediate factors that have stimulated the now famous letters by the anonymous 3rd generation prince calling for the replacement of King Salman and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman: (1) the double tragedy at Mecca that killed 800 people, (2) the collapse of oil prices, (3) the war in Yemen which, according to Miles, few Saudis support, and (4) King Salman's elevation of his young son, the inexperienced and impetuous Mohammed bin Salman to the peculiar but powerful post of Deputy Crown Prince, making him second in the line of succession.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Saudi Arabian Collapse — Bad Rulers, No Water? A Case Study…”

Jean Lievens: David Bollier on Dangers of Proprietary Code – the Volkswagen Example

10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO Impotency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Volkswagen Scandal Confirms the Dangers of Proprietary Code

There is one notable aspect to the Volkswagen emission-cheating scandal that few commentators have mentioned:  It would not have happened if the software for the pollution-control equipment had been open source. Volkswagen knew it could defraud consumers and deceive regulators precisely because its software was closed, proprietary and legally protected from outside scrutiny. Hardly anyone could readily check to see if the software was performing as claimed.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: David Bollier on Dangers of Proprietary Code – the Volkswagen Example”

Mongoose: Industrial Scale Cheating with Software — The Volkswagen Case Study

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

How it happpened, how we finally caught it.

Volkswagen's appalling clean diesel scandal, explained


In other words, Volkswagen wasn't able to produce diesel cars that had the ideal mix of performance, fuel economy, and low pollution. (Or, at least, they couldn't do this profitably.) So they “solved” this trade-off by sacrificing cleanliness and loosening the pollution controls. And they accomplished this via software designed to deceive regulators. This was wildly illegal, and they got caught.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Industrial Scale Cheating with Software — The Volkswagen Case Study”