Eagle: Death of the Dollar — Treason Proves Fatal

03 Economy, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Officers Call
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Very interesting analysis, it makes a lot of sense for the BRICS nations to develop an alternative to the corrupt IMF / World Bank. The dollar is surely doomed.

USDollar: Ring-Fenced & Checkmate

An unstoppable sequence of events has been put into motion finally. The pressure has been building for months. Some themes are plainly evident, except to those who wear rose colored glasses in the US Dome of Perception. The USTreasury Bond will be brought home to the US and British banks, where it will choke its bankers, then be devalued for survival reasons, after a painful isolation. The Chinese and Russians will conspire to finance the Eurasian Trade Zone corridor foundation with USTBonds, held in reserve, put to usage. The British will play a very unusual role, selling out the United States in order to be squires to the Eastern Duo. The process has begun; it cannot be stopped.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

The events are already being grossly misinterpreted and minimized in the US press, where devoted lapdogs, artistic swindlers, and creative writers prevail. The Paradigm Shift eastward is showing its next face, with a truly massive trade zone for cooperation and reduced cost overhead as the giant foundation. The Untied States for all of its past hegemony and devious manipulations and vicious attacks, will be excluded. The British will assist in the exclusion in order to avoid the Third World themselves. The following blueprint is the result of years of planning, with steady information and hints and confirmations by at least two Hat Trick Letter sources. The sunset of the USDollar has a blueprint. As a personal embroidery, let me state that this article is the most important the Jackass has ever written. Let it be taken seriously for its grave somber message.

Full article below the line.

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Eagle: Authorization to Use Bio-Chemical Means on US Population?

Government, Ineptitude
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

This is getting some attention across the Internet.  Some are saying the wording is that if the info is published ,the people have been informed. So, that would give the OK to use chemicals such as with the chemtrails and such.

    50 USC Sec. 1520a                                           01/03/2012 (112-90)

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Steven Aftergood: Report on Congressional Oversight of Intelligence 2011-2012

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


Several nuggets of interest are presented in the latest biennial report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, summarizing the Committee's oversight activities in the 112th Congress:

*    The Director of National Intelligence abruptly cancelled a multi-year effort to establish a single consolidated data center for the entire Intelligence Community a year or so ago, in favor of a migration to cloud computing.

*    Under criticism that the number of intelligence contractor personnel has grown too high, too fast, intelligence agencies have been cutting the number of contractors they employ or converting contractors to government employees.  But some of those agencies have continued to hire additional contractors at the same time, resulting in net growth in the size of the intelligence contractor workforce.

*    A written report on each covert action that is being carried out under a presidential finding is provided to the congressional committees every quarter.

The March 22 report also provides some fresh details of the long-awaited and still unreleased Committee study on CIA's detention and interrogation program.  That 6,000 page study, which was completed in July 2012 and approved by the Committee in December 2012, is divided into three volumes, as described in the report:

    “I. History and Operation of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program. This volume is divided chronologically into sections addressing the establishment, development, and evolution of the CIA detention and interrogation program.”
    “II. Intelligence Acquired and CIA Representations on the Effectiveness of the CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. This volume addresses the intelligence attributed to CIA detainees and the use of the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques, specifically focusing on CIA representations on how the CIA detention and interrogation program was operated and managed, as well as the effectiveness of the interrogation program. It includes sections on CIA representations to the Congress, the Department of Justice, and the media.”
    “III. Detention and Interrogation of Detainees. This volume addresses the detention and interrogation of all known CIA detainees, from the program's inception to its official end, on January 22, 2009, to include information on their capture, detention, interrogation, and conditions of confinement. It also includes extensive information on the CIA's management, oversight, and day-to-day operation of the CIA's detention and interrogation program,” according to the report's description.

“I have read the first volume, which is 300 pages,” said CIA Director John O. Brennan at his February 7 confirmation hearing.  “There clearly were a number of things, many things, that I read in that report that were very concerning and disturbing to me, and ones that I would want to look into immediately, if I were to be confirmed as CIA Director.”

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Owl: Visualization of Drone Deaths — 98% “Collateral Damage

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Drones & UAVs, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Look at this astonishing visualization of deaths in Pakistan from drones, it was made by a professional studio that specializes in visualizations:  “The visualization, seen below, tracks the victims of the strikes using data from the Bureau for Investigative Journalism, specifically noting children and civilian collateral damage. Note the sharp uptick after President Obama takes office in 2009″:

Out of Sight Out of Mind — Drone deaths in Pakistan:  3,105+, less than 2% valid targets

Also note at the top right corner the number of “high-profile” or “bad guys” killed, which amounts to 1.5%, or 47 out of a total of 3,105 killed. The rest killed, 98.5%, should not have been, are innocents.   Watch a brief interview of the creator of this amazing graphic (which is regularly updated):

Drones Visualization: Every U.S. Drone Strike In Pakistan Since 2004 (GRAPHIC)

“We want to shock people,” Grubbs said. “What we tried to do though with this was not just shock people with the number of casualties, but to shock people with the amount of information that we really don't know.”

This is an insightful comment about the visualization that appears in the link:

Continue reading “Owl: Visualization of Drone Deaths — 98% “Collateral Damage”

SchwartzReport: US Venerial Disease Outpaces New Jobs or College Grads

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

schwartz reportWhen I saw this story this morning I could hardly believe it was real. But I have checked and it is. You can click through to download the CDC .pdf report.

I find it highly ironic that this story is appearing in a conservative religious website, because much of this enormous spread of venereal disease is arising because the Theocratic Right has done everything it can to stop useful sex education in the U.S. leaving teens, particularly teens in Red value states, completely unprepared to practice safe sex. Not surprisingly, the incidence of unintended pregnancies and STDs in those states are much higher than in Blue value states.

CDC: 110,197,000 Venereal Infections in U.S.; Nation Creating New STIs Faster Than New Jobs or College Grads

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SchwartzReport: Environmental & Food Intelligence CIA Will Never Compute

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude

schwartz reportMore evidence of the degradation of the marine environment. In 20 years natural seafood may be a memory.

Acidic Ocean Hits Pacific Northwest
ERIC NIILER – Chemical & Engineering News

Yet more evidence of environmental degradation. We simply cannot seem to achieve the political will to save the world in which we live, and on which our own wellbeing depends.

Most U.S. Rivers and Streams in Poor Biological Condition
ZACH RAUSNITZ – Fierce Government

The best law money can buy. And you aren't even going to be able to seek redress when your health is damaged.

‘Monsanto Protection Act' Slips Silently Through US Congress
RT (Russia)

NIGHTWATCH: Tunesia – New Crisis (Intelligence) Networks

Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of Peace

tunesia contextTunisia: The Tunisian government announced yesterday it was setting up crisis cells after the United States warned that al-Qaida in the African Maghreb (AQIM) was seeking to establish a base in the country.

“We have launched the creation of crisis cells to monitor terrorist activities on the border (with Libya and Algeria) and in the interior, faced with the rise of the militant movement and the existence of recruitment networks,” Interior Minister Lotfi Ben Jeddou told Parliament.

He said those cells would be under the control of Tunisia's Supreme Security Council and would also gather information on networks enrolling young Tunisians to fight in Syria.

Comment: This looks like an intelligence operation rather than combat. Reaction by the Tunisian Islamist parties should indicate whether the Tunisians are taking seriously the US warning.

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