SchwartzReport: Fake Medicine More Lucrative than Cocaine — Failure of Governance on a Global Scale

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportLike the horsemeat scandal in Europe this report on fake pharmaceuticals shows what happens when appropriate regulation is not maintained, because industries capture the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us, and the Congress is in the pocket of those industries as well. Once again we face the bitter fruit produced by anti-regulations forces. The t! ruth is we have become a thoroughly corrupted nation and, until we find the strength to speak truth to power it will only continue.

More Lucrative Than Cocaine: Fake Medicine On The Rise
CHRISTOPHER WEAVER – The Wall Street Journal

The risks of fake and flawed medicines have leapt from developing nations to Western supply chains, thanks to gaps in oversight of drug wholesalers, lax law enforcement, and ineffective tactics for tracking drugs as they change hands, according to a report released Wednesday by the Institute of Medicine.

‘It’s distressing to see vividly just how huge a problem it is in the United States,” said Larry Gostin, a Georgetown University law professor and World Health Organization adviser who led the study. ‘It’s more lucrative to traffic in illegitimate drugs than cocaine or heroin,” he said.

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Winslow Wheelers: Morally Bankrupt Flag Officers Need to Go + Pentagon Corruption RECAP

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Winslow Wheeler
Winslow Wheeler

The Joint Chiefs of Staff testified to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees this week arguing that unless their budgets are augmented with still more money they will hollow out the armed forces. Most in the press and Congress didn't read their assertions that way, but two near simultaneous reports that provide some meaningful context for the Chiefs' demands recently became public. They put the Chiefs' behavior in a very different light.

THE SPENDAGON: A Stampede of Hysterics

America's generals are just as morally bankrupt as Congress.


Foreign Policy | FEBRUARY 14, 2013

I read two critically important reports this week on the impact that sequestration would have on national defense. That possible reduction in military spending — $48 billion, or 7.4 percent of the $645 billion currently appropriated for fiscal year 2013 — is being characterized by the stampede of hysterics who run the Pentagon as the virtual end of national security as we know it. What these two reports show is that we should now consider the Pentagon as morally and mentally broken as Congress.
The first report, by Chuck Spinney, who spent a few decades inside the Department of Defense evaluating budgets, weapons, and bureaucratic behavior, was published at Counterpunch and Time's Battleland blog. The second was a Congressional Research Service report by Amy Belasco, who has spent the last few decades at CRS and the Congressional Budget Office parsing defense budgets and their implications.

Both authors indirectly address the testimony this week of the deputy secretary of defense and the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff at the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. To a man, they lent all the rhetorical and substantive support they could muster to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta's depiction of sequestration as “doomsday” and to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey's description of it as an “unprecedented crisis” — a characterization he augmented by adding that he was “jumping up and down.” He truly was.

Put simply, the chiefs and their ostensible civilian masters plan to implement the cuts mandated by law in the most destructive, negative way possible, which has the convenient effect — for them — of pushing Congress and the White House to cough up more money. According to their testimony, the Army will reduce training levels to such a low point that units cannot be sent to Afghanistan. The Navy plans to postpone, if not cancel, maintenance for ships in a fleet already at historic lows for upkeep and repair, and deployments to the Persian Gulf have already been postponed. The Air Force is going to further reduce its historically low training of pilots, and maintenance will also hit new lows. Throughout the services, civilian maintainers, auditors, and program overseers will be furloughed, aircraft will be grounded, and ships held in port.

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Yoda: Mobile Signal Crisis Only a Crisis of Integrity

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Dark, their force is.

Mobile’s dawning signal crisis

Roland Pease

BBC, 13 February 2013


To understand the scale of the problem, you only need to look at the numbers.

For example, the mobile giant Ericsson has been tracking the growth in mobile traffic for years. But 2009 was a landmark year, according to the firm’s Patrik Cerwall: “That year saw more data traffic than voice traffic over the mobile networks”. And the data traffic has been doubling every year since – far outracing Cooper’s law.

The big accelerator was the smartphone, which suddenly made the data-carrying capacity of 3G networks attractive. “People didn’t really understand the benefit of 3G until the app concept changed everything,” Cerwall elaborates.

Data-hungry video is also driving demand. Networking firm Cisco has just reported video downloads last year crossed the 50% threshold, accounting for half of all data transferred over the mobile networks.

At the moment, there are around 1.1 billion smart phones across the world; by 2018 (the horizon for the Ericsson forecasts) that will treble to 3.3 billion. If you think that in 2012, smartphones represented only 18% of total global handsets, but represented 92% of total global traffic, you begin to see the problem.

And the growth will continue relentlessly, according to the Cisco analysis. In 2012, for example, global mobile data traffic grew 70% from 2011, to 885 petabytes per month – that is 885 million gigabytes of data. And in the next five years, it is expected to increase 13-fold, eventually reaching 11.2 exabytes (11, 200 million gigabytes) per month by 2017, according to Cisco.

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Berto Jongman: London Review of Books Detailed Report on Everything the CIA and John Brennan do NOT Know About Syrian Rebels, Corrupt Supply Lines, and Operational Effectiveness

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

How to Start a Battalion (in Five Easy Lessons)

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from Syria

London Review of Books, Vol. 35 No. 4 · 21 February 2013


‘We reached a point in the fighting, in spring 2012, when we needed proper support. We needed heavy machine guns, real weapons. Money was never an issue: how much do you want? Fifty million dollars, a hundred million dollars – not a problem. But heavy weapons were becoming hard to find: the Turks – and without them this revolution wouldn’t have started – wanted the Americans to give them the green light before they would allow us to ship the weapons. We had to persuade Saad al-Hariri, Rafic Hariri’s son and a former prime minister, to go to put pressure on the Saudis, to tell them: “You abandoned the Sunnis of Iraq and you lost a country to Iran. If you do the same thing again you won’t only lose Syria, but Lebanon with it.”’ The idea was that the Saudis in turn would pressure the Americans to give the Turks the green light to allow proper weapons into the country.

Now suddenly, while on the ground the revolution was still in the hands of small bands of rebels and activists, a set of outside interests started conspiring to direct events in ways amenable to them. There were the Saudis, who never liked Bashar but were wary of more chaos in the Middle East. The Qataris, who were positioning themselves at the forefront of the revolutions of the Arab Spring, using their formidable TV networks to mobilise support and their vast wealth to fund illicit weapons shipments to the Libyans. And of course there were the French and the Americans.

. . . . . . . .

At the end of January, I met a friend of Abu Abdullah; he’d once been a wealthy man, a merchant, but he’d seen his wealth dwindle as all his businesses came to a halt. His lips were quivering with anger and he kept thumping the table with his fist.

‘Why are the Americans doing this to us? They told us they wouldn’t send us weapons until we united. So we united in Doha. Now what’s their excuse? They say it’s because of the jihadis but it’s the jihadis who are gaining ground. Abu Abdullah is $400,000 in debt and no one is sending him money anymore. It’s all going to the jihadis. They have just bought a former military camp from a battalion that was fighting the government. They went to them, gave them I don’t know how many millions and bought the camp. Maybe we should all become jihadis. Maybe then we’ll get money and support.’

Read full report.

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Berto Jongman: Italy’s Former Spy Chief Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison for CIA Rendition in 2003

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Italy's ex-spy chief convicted over 2003 CIA rendition

Italy's former intelligence chief Nicolo Pollari has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in the rendition of a terror suspect.

The court in Milan also sentenced his former deputy Marco Mancini to nine years in jail over the 2003 kidnapping.

Italy's courts have already convicted in absentia 22 CIA agents over the same case. The abducted Egyptian cleric said he was flown to Egypt and tortured.

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Berto Jongmah: FEMA Emergency Internment Camp Bill Up Again

Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

FEMA camp bill resurfaces in Congress

Published on Feb 12, 2013

In the US, natural disasters have caused the US government to declare national emergencies. Now, an old bill has resurfaced in Congress that allows the government to implement at least six military installations to house US citizens when a national emergency is declared. The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 gives the Federal Emergency Management Agency power over the camps and before the bill was shot down due to the broad language and the fears of unchecked government power, but can this bill ever pass? Bob English, civil liberties activist and blogger, sounds off on the issue.

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Phi Beta Iota:  Buried in the six minutes is the key point — regardless of intentions, this furthers the idea that centralized solutions funded by money that is borrowed or printed, are the solution.  It is a good initiative in theory, but in practice it is distant from localized resilience.  Think Katrina or Sandy to understand how inept FEMA is with what it already has.  The bill leaves open the use of the military as internment overseers — with the National Guard now known to be recruiting internment staff for each of the ten FEMA districts.

Owl: Lt Chris Dorner USNR Fan Club Grows — Are Citizen Snipers Swarming to Los Angeles? Presidential Pardon and Truth & Reconciliation Recommended!

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Lt Chris Dorner, USNR (Honorable Discharge) is acquiring a fan club.

Chris Dorner Fan Club

The 2nd half of this article below is about a a 1972 incident in New Orleans about another black, a vet, who loses it from constant injustice, and ends up killing a lot of cops and civilians before they get him. What amazes me is he has virtually no gun training, since he's Navy, yet he's an amazing shot, who himself avoids the bullets most of the time:

Exterminating Angels

Blacks in the street cheered this guy as he's shooting at cops, and the author of this piece concludes, “Does anyone cheer Dorner”

Well, yes. Scroll down to last reply (I bolded most interesting text) – here's cut/paste:

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