Worth a Look: Debriefing Saddam Hussein — Everything CIA Thought It Knew Was Wrong

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Everything CIA thought it knew was WRONG.

Debriefing the President presents an astounding, candid portrait of one of our era’s most notorious strongmen. Nixon, the first man to conduct a prolonged interrogation of Hussein after his capture, offers expert insight into the history and mind of America’s most enigmatic enemy. After years of parsing Hussein’s leadership from afar, Nixon faithfully recounts his debriefing sessions and subsequently strips away the mythology surrounding an equally brutal and complex man. His account is not an apology, but a sobering examination of how preconceived ideas led Washington policymakers—and the Bush White House—astray. Unflinching and unprecedented, Debriefing the President exposes a fundamental misreading of one of the modern world’s most central figures and presents a new narrative that boldly counters the received account.

Yoda: Trump, China, Twitter, & The Atlantic

Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Media

Challenged, are they…

U.S.-China Relations in the Age of Trump

James Fallows, Uri Friedman, and Atlantic readers discuss the ramifications of a Trump presidency when it comes to the U.S.’s complicated relationship with China.

Phi Beta Iota: The article is excellent in relation to the complexity of dealing with China, and worthless in relation to dealing with the complexity of Trump — these people are not stupid, merely oblivious.

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Steve Aftergood: $137 Billion in Wrongful Spending in Just One Year – Congressional Research Service

03 Economy, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Steven Aftergood

The government mistakenly disbursed more than $137 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, the highest annual level of wrongful spending ever reported, the Congressional Research Service noted last week. Over $1 trillion in improper payments have been made by government agencies since 2004. Improper payments “are payments made in an incorrect amount, payments that should not have been made at all, or payments made to an ineligible recipient or for an ineligible purpose,” CRS said. Congress has enacted legislation to improve reporting and recovery of improper payments, but implementation “has been uneven across the government.”

Improper Payments Legislation: Key Provisions, Implementation, and Selected Proposals in the 114th Congress, December 7, 2016:

Robert Steele: The Cyber Brief (Mike Hayden & Michael Morell) Is Full of Crap — Fake News — Traitors Spinning Lies — While Barack Obama Blows Smoke on “Flying Blind”

Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media
Robert David Steele

One of my contributing editors keeps sending me bits from The Cipher Brief — I have tended to ignore them, but the recent two pieces, one by Mike Hayden and the other by Michael Morell, are such utter crap that I feel compelled to address them. I cannot say this any more clearly. Mike Hayden is a traitor who approved warrantless wiretapping at NSA and rendition and torture at CIA. He is also the D/CIA who allowed the complete destruction of the OSINT discipline as pioneered by General Peter Schoomaker at SOCOM. Michael Morell is simply a shill — he may not realize he is lying, in which case this simply displays his lack of intelligence and integrity.  From where I sit, the secret world is worthless in large part because the good people trapped in this bad system are overseen by politically-appointed pimps who could care less about producing decision-support in the public interest. Following the two links below I offer a very concise commentary on the secret world (dysfunctional waste of no value to the President, the Cabinet, or Congress) and my own Philosophy of Intelligence. The reader can decide between the two.

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Patrick Tucker: Original Flynn – Open Source Flynn

Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military
Patrick Tucker
Patrick Tucker

The Other Michael Flynn

This new greater emphasis on open-source data aided by computational analysis discomfited older, less technically astute intelligence professionals at DIA and in the broader intelligence community, McCulloh said.

“What that does is it largely disqualifies a lot of old intel guys in favor of people who have more technical skills. That was not happy for them. They wanted to wait him out. Screw him over,” he said. “Anybody who would say that he’s crazy or wrong, that’s an intel person who should be fired.”

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Antechinus: Does Israel Own Trump or Is Trump Playing Israel?

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Ineptitude

Trump & Woolsey: Was There a Bait-and-Switch?

In early September 2016, in a move that should have received far more attention than it did, Trump appointed former CIA director James Woolsey as his senior advisor on national security issues. Woolsey is a key member of the neoconservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC). When asked about U.S. national security priorities the day after Trump’s election, Woolsey responded that it was necessary “to get straight who our friends and adversaries are.” He asserted that “Israel is our friend”. In September 2015 James Woolsey was appointed to the strategic advisory board of U.S. oil and gas firm Genie Energy Ltd., along with Rupert Murdoch, Lord Jacob Rothschild and Dick Cheney. Genie Energy Ltd. has been involved in the Golan Heights – the long contested area of Syria that is now known to be rich in both oil shale and fresh water, for almost a decade. UN Security Council Resolution 242 declares that Israel must withdraw from all lands occupied since the 1967 war, including the Golan. The international community considers the Golan to be occupied territory and Israeli settlements there to be illegal.

Continue reading “Antechinus: Does Israel Own Trump or Is Trump Playing Israel?”