Berto Jongman: NATO Creates New Post of Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence & Security

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Integrated Intelligence Key To Combating Dynamic Threats

The authors are James Clapper (DNI) and Marcel Lettre (USDI).

The Latest: NATO Allies to Create Joint Intel Division

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Marcus Aurelius: US Army Unfit, Vulnerable to Electronic Shut-Down, and More…

Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Back to basics: Army dials up traditional soldiering once again

Capt. Ronald Fletcher has met an officer candidate who couldn’t find north on a compass, a sergeant who couldn’t complete an inventory of equipment, and “far too many soldiers who couldn’t fire a weapon straight, let alone understand how the weapon functions.”

. . . . .

Today, more than 2,700 pieces of equipment in a brigade combat team run off GPS or satellite communications.   . . .   But what happens if those systems fail? Or if the enemy launches an invasive and effective cyber or electronic warfare attack?  Could you find your way to your forward operating base with just a map and a compass? Could you communicate with your squad if your radios stop working? How about effectively and lethally running your weapon systems or combat vehicles?


Antechinus: CIA Weapons for ISIS Now on Sale in Jordan

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

CIA weapons for Syrian rebels sold on Jordan's black market

Weapons shipped into Jordan by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials. FBI officials believe some of the stolen weapons were used in a shooting in November that killed two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman.

Mongoose: Trump Wanna-Be Assassin Trained with Howell & Mateen; 100 Others Including Snipers Trained at Covert Camp in Virginia

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

Kudos to Anonymous who sent this along, and a five-star salute to GetOffTheBS and Attorney/Investigative Journalist Brenda Corpian, for breaking this story that connects the wanna-be assassin of Donald Trump with Mateen and Howell. In the fine print, note that Howell says there were eight groups or over 100 people being trained in the same camp, several being trained as snipers.

Failed Trump Assassin Michael Sandford Trained With Omar Mateen

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Charles Ortel: Is Clinton Foundation a $100 Billion Charity Fraud — Zero Financial Statements, Millions of Cases of Wire Fraud and Solicitation Fraud?

02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Charles OrtelYouTube Audio (53:45): Charles Ortel: Clinton Foundation Largest Charity Fraud Ever Attempted

“Trustees guilty of gross negligence and willful misconduct…”

“Operated illegally in many countries for years…”

“Fourteen billion dollars donated for Haiti has vanished…”

“The information in [her] emails is the property of the US Government…of We the People…”

Continue reading “Charles Ortel: Is Clinton Foundation a $100 Billion Charity Fraud — Zero Financial Statements, Millions of Cases of Wire Fraud and Solicitation Fraud?”

Antechinus: GAO Says Huge FBI Facial Recognition Database Flawed…

Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement

Huge FBI facial recognition database flawed: GAO audit

The FBI's facial recognition database of 411 million photos includes some 30 million criminal mugshots, drivers' license pictures from 16 US states, 140 million images from visa applications by foreign nationals and 6.7 million photos of individuals detained by US forces abroad, but lacks adequate safeguards for accuracy and privacy protection, a congressional audit shows. Alvaro Bedoya, who heads the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown University's law school, called the report “startling,” saying it revealed that facial recognition is being used on a much larger scale than had been disclosed.