Berto Jongman: THREAT is Too Many Humanitarian Crises — Along with Corrupt Governments and Totally Inept International Aid System

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, Civil Society, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Too many humanitarian crises, not enough global resources

Commentary: An overwhelming number of crises means the international community cannot respond well.

WASHINGTON — Humanitarian crises in the world today — Syria, Iraq, Central African Republic, South Sudan and now Gaza — all demand immediate and massive humanitarian response.

The crises are not only large-scale, affecting millions, but the conflicts also are complex, each with unique political realities and on-the-ground difficulties.

They are not alone among crises competing for our attention. They are simply the biggest, pushing off the front pages other crises where human needs remain urgent: Darfur, Central America, Pakistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia.

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Mini-Me: Hamas Tunnels Surprise Israel – Really?

Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Military
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Hamas’s Shift to Tunnel Warfare Catches Israel by Surprise

JERUSALEM — Israel entered its latest conflict with Hamas armed with a high-tech arsenal, real-time battlefield intelligence and strong domestic support for dealing a heavy blow to Hamas.

But again on Friday, Israeli forces were taken by surprise, this time with two soldiers killed and one taken prisoner when militants once again attacked from a tunnel in Gaza.

As frustration grows in Israel over the military’s limited success so far in trying to neutralize Hamas, the militant Islamic group that governs Gaza, despite hitting 4,300 targets in 24 days of intense bombing, some military experts say it is increasingly evident that the Israel Defense Forces have been operating from an old playbook and are not fully prepared for a more sophisticated, battle-ready adversary. The issue is not specifically the tunnels — which Israel knew about — but the way Hamas fighters trained to use them to create what experts in Israel are calling a “360-degree front.”

“Hamas has changed its doctrine and is using the tunnels as a main method of operation,” said Israel Ziv, a retired general who headed the military’s Gaza division and its operations directorate. “This is something we learned amid the fighting.”

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota: Any military “professional” that does not understand tunnels as a poor man's calvary is poorly educated.

See Especially:

Review: The Tunnels of Cu Chi

Stephen E. Arnold: 1% of Science Gets Published — What Cost to Economics?

Academia, Earth Intelligence, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

No Search Or Publishing For Science

The scientific method is used to approach a problem logically and come to reasonable conclusion based off the presented evidence. Allow me to present the following question: if only a small percentage of scientists publish their work, does that not distort scientific information? Let us approach this problem in the same manner that Erik Stokstad did in his Science Magazine article “The 1% Of Scientific Publishing.”

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Robert Young Pelton: Finding Bergdahl — A Tale of Deceit

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton

Finding Bergdahl

Inside the Search for the Last Prisoner of America's Longest War

VICE, 21 July 2014


The next intercepts from the elated kidnappers, using their CDMA or RUIM phone while still inside the vehicle, provided the first real piece of evidence on how Bergdahl was grabbed: “We were attacking the post. He was just taking a shit. He had no gun with him. He was taking a shit. He has not cleaned his butt yet.”

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Marcus Aurelius: US Army’s New Enemy Is Itself

Cultural Intelligence, Ineptitude, Military
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Article below started to circulate in the office on Friday and appears in today's Washington Post. LTG (R) Barno is spot-on.  He describes the Army I retired from and, substantially, the Army I was commissioned into in 1971.  In Iraq and Afghanistan, the threats were IEDs, snipers, etc.  In the Army to return, the threats will be Semi-Annual Training Briefs, PT tests, maintenance inspections, barracks inspections, shortages of white paint for rocks, etc.  For the junior officers and, to a significant extent for the Soldiers, during the 13 years of combat, they have been working within intent, with significant autonomy and opportunity to exercise initiative.  And they have done well.  Now they face infinite micromanagement with emphasis on uniforms, tatoos, police call, pulling Staff Duty Officer and Charge of Quarters, motor stables, area beautification, etc.  Principal drivers of this future are a former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army and the current Sergeant Major of the Army, who have postulated that this new regime is the silver bullet to restoring discipline within the force and reducing Soldier suicides.  As LTG Barno notes, it's also likely create unattractive command climates thus generating voluntary separations which will contribute to sequestration-driven reduction of end strength.

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Owl: Israel’s Missile Defense is Failing — Media Avoiding the Story

05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Some significant information here most mainstream is ignoring — Hamas / Iran now have the edge.

“Paper Dome” and Israeli/US propaganda

“For more on the rockets now used by Hamas and Hezbollah, Robert Siegel speaks with Ted Postol, a professor of science, technology and national security policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Postol also comments on Israel's pursuit of an upgraded defense system.

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Bojan Radej: What if everything we know about poor countries’ economies is totally wrong?

Commerce, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Bojan Radej
Bojan Radej

What if everything we know about poor countries' economies is totally wrong?

Dylan Matthews

VOX, 14 July 2014

As China and India continue their fairly rapid paces of economic growth, a greater and greater share of extreme poverty is going to be concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa. But if we're going to make progress there, we need to have good numbers about how various economies are faring, how income is distributed within them, and so forth.

The trouble, Simon Fraser University economist Morten Jerven argues, is that those numbers are often incomplete at best and downright false at worst. It's a problem that came into sharp relief recently when Nigeria “rebased” its GDP numbers, doubling its GDP in the process.

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