Memoranda for the President on Sandy Hook: Is FEMA A False Flag Fake News Terrorist Node? UPDATE 1: Letter to AG DHS Hill

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call


  • 128 page PDF 31 memos
  • Full text online translatable memoranda for POTUS
  • Other online references


Letter to AG, DHS, Hill

Memorable Short URL:

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Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement

Mr. President,

To an epistemological certainty, Sandy Hook was not real, nobody real died. Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with the purpose of generating support for an extreme gun control and federal power agenda. This review will simply catalog the main factual data that 489 students, minus 20 = 469 students, plus 70 staff and teachers. Nowhere to be found, no evacuation.

The benefits to those who participated in the Sandy Hook hoax have been substantial. The donation sites created by “families of the victims” have hauled in over $27,000,000 or in excess of $1,000,000 per ‘family.’

Continue reading “Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon”

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – How We Know Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill, Nobody Died, Obama Officials Confirmed It Was an Anti-Gun Propaganda Exercise

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

James Fetzer: How we Know Sandy Hook was a FEMA Drill for Gun Control where Nobody Died

Dear Mr. President,

The nation over which you currently preside has been subjected to an on-going series of staged shootings, most of which—for maximal emotional effect—have involved the reported deaths of children, none more dramatically than the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown CT, on 14 December 2012, where Adam Lanza was alleged to have killed 20 first-grade children and six adults. But there were boundless anomalies here from the beginning, where even (what would have been thought to be) an innocuous photo of the parking lot gives the scam away.

Continue reading “James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – How We Know Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill, Nobody Died, Obama Officials Confirmed It Was an Anti-Gun Propaganda Exercise”

Robert Steele: The Deep State, Mind Control, & Pedophilia — Connecting the Dots…

06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

It is my view that the Nazis and the Zionists and the Vatican and varied secret societies all converged on wanting a sustainable Deep State that could control Shadow Governments everywhere.  Mind-Control and murderous pedophilia together provided the “alchemy” that supported what became a Satanic cult of the 1% over the 99%.

This one lecture from 1992 is a useful point of entry to one aspect of this mass atrocity.

Mind Control, Hypnosis, and Ritual Abuse: The Historic and Powerful Greenbaum Lecture

Continue reading “Robert Steele: The Deep State, Mind Control, & Pedophilia — Connecting the Dots…”

John Lear: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms?

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms?

28 July 2018

Mr. President,

A Hollywood producer told me about fifteen years ago, just after 9/11 had occurred, a story about the state of the art of hologram projection as it was known to Hollywood executives including Stephen Spielberg, in the early 1990’s. She explicitly endorsed the idea that no actual airplanes hit the Twin Towers, and that Hollywood special effects – or even more advanced capabilities available to the U.S. military – were used.

Continue reading “John Lear: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Illusions of Airplanes from Hollywood or US Air Force Holograms?”

Justin Raimondo: 9/11 – What Was Israel’s Role?

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Justin Raimondo


Fox News revelations point to an ominous conclusion

Speaking of sabotage, the story of the gigantic Israeli spy operation in the US – and its mysterious activities in the weeks prior to 9/11 – continues to amaze and shock even me. When I wrote, a few weeks ago, that the detention of some 60 Israelis in connection with 9/11 was “ominous” little did I realize just how much of an understatement that would turn out to be. It is often said that, post-9/11, the US is going through what the Israelis have had to endure for decades. The series of Fox News special reports on Israeli penetration of US intelligence assets puts this insight in an entirely new light. For it appears, from what we are learning, that the struggle between two desert tribes in a far away land has truly been brought home to the US: America, we are discovering to our horror, has become a battleground for both sides in that ancient conflict.

Continue reading “Justin Raimondo: 9/11 – What Was Israel's Role?”