Owl: Deep State’s Final Answer – Cosmic (Alien Invasion) False Flag — Last Ditch Attempt to Assert Totalitarian Control

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

REAL or HOAX? UFO experts warn of “cosmic false flag” event, claiming deep state will fake alien invasion to achieve totalitarian control over humanity

Thanks especially to the Internet’s dissemination of information uncensored and uncontrolled by elite and other media outlets, more and more people are becoming educated about the tyrannical and exploitive agendas of the 1%. When this educational process reaches a certain tipping point, one which the elites deem an existential threat to their power and control, they will resort, according to Mike Adams, to implementing plans and technologies that can fake an alien mass invasion event that will enable the elite to retain and increase their power (NOTE – this apparently “crazy” speculation offered by Adams is hardly any more extreme than any pre-9-11 speculation would have been about radical Muslims or others knocking down the World Trade Center and sending a projectile into the Pentagon, killing thousands):

Continue reading “Owl: Deep State's Final Answer – Cosmic (Alien Invasion) False Flag — Last Ditch Attempt to Assert Totalitarian Control”

SPECIAL: Trump Trips; Preibus-Spicer Betrayal; Deception, “Gaslighting,” and Lies –The War Between Two Alternative Forms of Fake News

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Below are three offerings, from Chuck Spinney, Mike Lofgren, and Jon Rappoport. Each deals with competing forms of fake news — the Trump version versus the Empire version. Both are wrong but between the two, the Empire version is more wrong. I've done all I can to help Donald Trump — in my view Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer are deliberately sabotaging his early days, and both should be dismissed immediately.

Robert Steele: Trump’s Unforced Errors – Is Preibus Our Judas?

Phantom Phixer: Priebus Betrays Trump…Again

Donald Trump: No War Against Russia — Our War Is Here at Home Against the Establishment UPDATE 1

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Trump Trips; Preibus-Spicer Betrayal; Deception, “Gaslighting,” and Lies –The War Between Two Alternative Forms of Fake News”

Amazon Kindle: The Soft Coup Collapses – Blackmail Revealed – What Next?: CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence – Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace? (Trump Revolution Book 06)

06 Russia, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Media
Amazon Kindle Page

Aided by enormous restraint on the part of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, the soft coup in the USA has collapsed.

Not only has the US Intelligence Community (US IC) lost all semblance of credibility with incoming President Donald Trump, but the blackmail by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham has been revealed by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.

This six page document provides a scathing critique of the fourteen page US secret intelligence community report, Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections, across five fronts.

The document concludes that if Donald Trump does not lose his nerve (he is surrounded by Establishment advisors), the implosion of the false flag claims by CIA — and the fake news from CNN and the NYT — could be the first step in gaining public support for taking down the Deep State.

Longer description at Amazon   .   All Kindles in the Trump Revolution Series.

Ahmet Yayla: Assassination in Turkey – A Few Thoughts

09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
Ahmet Sait Yayla

Anxiety in Ankara: Assassination, Geopolitics, and Democracy in Turkey

The assassination itself still has many unanswered questions: was the assassin acting alone or on someone’s behalf or with the assistance of others; why did Turkish intelligence and law enforcement forces not provide sufficient security for the ambassador; what was the motive behind the attack and why was the assassin killed rather than captured? Additionally, a Turkish judge issued a media ban on the attack, making it more difficult to understand and reveal facts about the assassination. In order to inform the international community and reduce the chances of such an attack happening against other diplomatic dignitaries in Turkey, the Turkish government needs to be transparent about the findings of the investigation, demonstrating it has solid, objective evidence provided in a timely manner.

Phi Beta Iota: A blockbuster of a read from a PhD former counterterrorism officer in Turkey.

The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof Russians Hacked (or Leaked) Anything: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 8

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge

Best line = ZERO proof:

“Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

We do not make this stuff up. The DNI just committed suicide.

In three parts.

01: The raw document as a pdf with no registration required (link below).

IC 2017 on Russians Hacking US Election

02: Evaluative and contextual comments by Robert Steele.

03: Evaluative and contextual comments by others as they are obtained.

Final appraisal: Trump right, IC wrong, 5 strikes itemized below. Only 3 agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) signed this report, not “all seventeen.” DHS notable for its absence.

UPDATES at end of original post. Continue reading “The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof Russians Hacked (or Leaked) Anything: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 8″