Eagle: Local Resilience: Software Defined Supply Chain + True Cost Economics?

IO Technologies
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Thanks to the growth of 3D printing, intelligent robots, and open-source hardware, tomorrow’s supply chains will be faster, smaller, cheaper, and local.

Nothing exemplifies the exceptional power and scale of today’s highest performing supply chains than the simple phrase: designed in California, assembled In China. Behind that elegant phrase are some of the world’s most sophisticated supply-chain processes, stitching together networks of suppliers, sub-assemblers and logistics companies around the globe.

Supply chains today are big, complex and global. Keeping them humming is an enormous challenge. But does it have to be that way? We think the world is entering the era of small, simple and local supply chains, powered by a new generation of manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing, intelligent assembly robotics and open-source hardware – also known as the Software Defined Supply Chain.

Learn more.

Phi Beta Iota:  When True Cost Economics becomes a mainstream app,  this will change everything as it will gut those who externalize costs of water, fuel, child labor, and tax avoidance.

Worth a Look: Wickr — Data at Rest, Data in Flight, Encrypted and Not Stored in Cloud

IO Secrets, IO Technologies, Worth A Look

logo wickrThe Internet is forever.

Your private communications don´t need to be.

Wickr is a free app that provides: military-grade encryption of text, picture, audio and video messages ·sender-based control over who can read messages, where and for how long ·best available privacy, anonymity and secure file shredding features ·security that is simple to use

“Wickr – an iPhone encryption app a 3-year-old can use.”

“There is no reason your pictures, videos and communications should be available on some server, where it can easily be accessed by who-knows-who, or what service, without any control over what people do with it.” 

Wickr’s mission is to provide secure communications that Leave No Trace.

People are being tracked online and their data is being sold in ways they do not understand by numerous governments and corporations.

Wickr flips messaging on its head, giving control to the sender instead of the receiver (or servers in between).

After all, who doesn’t want control of the messages and media they share with others?  Security has never been so easy!

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Wickr — Data at Rest, Data in Flight, Encrypted and Not Stored in Cloud”

SmartPlanet: U.K. businesses waste billions a year on tech investment

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, IO Technologies

smartplanet logoU.K. businesses waste billions a year on tech investment

According to new research, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the U.K. habitually waste money on IT products and services they don’t need.

IT software provider SolarWinds released a new study today which examines what challenges IT staff face in small and medium businesses this year. Reaching out to 500 firms in the U.K. and Germany, the study found that although IT budgets have remained the same or increased over the last five years in 93 percent of SMEs, over 75 percent of firms are wasting money.

On average, IT employees said that roughly 12 percent of software, once purchased, remained in its box gathering dust. However, in 87 percent of businesses, this figure reached 50 percent. The researchers note that on average, £11,962 is spent on IT management software annually by 4.8 billion U.K. SMEs, and so this can translate into £6.89 billion a year being wasted.

Continue reading “SmartPlanet: U.K. businesses waste billions a year on tech investment”

Berto Jongman: Legendary Russian Documentary on Nazi Interest in Antartica, Now with English Sub-Titles

08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, History, IO Secrets, IO Technologies, Military, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Includes 1947 US naval expedition led by Robert Byrd broken off after being attacked by objects that vertically take off from the sea. Russian scientists hypothesize US military HAARP bases on Antartica and Alaska are intended for identifying the characteristics of wormholes used by alien visitors to access and leave earth.

Published on Sep 25, 2012

Phi Beta Iota:  RIVETING.  Superb subtitles easy to follow.  Brilliant photography.

Below the Line: Lengthy overview of film.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Legendary Russian Documentary on Nazi Interest in Antartica, Now with English Sub-Titles”

Sepp Hasslberger: MSV Explorer Amphibious Vehicle Powered by Free Energy

IO Technologies, Military
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

MSV Explorer amphibious vehicle powered by free energy technology poised to be first to general market

British inventor and CEO, Chris Garner, has come up with the MSV Explorer, an amphibious vehicle that not only treks on land and through water, but is powered by an exotic free energy method he calls “self-sustaining” that will enable the vehicle to travel indefinitely without stopping for fuel. Coming next month.

(by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
(With a lot of exclusive material)

podBritish inventor and CEO, Chris Garner, has come up with the MSV Explorer, an amphibious vehicle that not only treks on land and through water, but is powered by an exotic free energy method he calls a “super high-performance, electro mechanical gyro generator system.”

The revolutionary system will not only propel their MSV Explorer craft, but is poised to revolutionize energy in general, as this will apply not just to propulsion and travel (namely, go as far as you want without ever stopping for fuel) but to energy generators (ditto). Anything that can move a vehicle can also provide prime mover power for a genset, making electricity, either for a home, business, vehicle, or utility.

The company, MSVEX, is presently running in-house tests, which they expect to be completed in about a week. After that, they will be doing third-party testing to validate the technology, probably at the University of Plymouth (UK), or another university, depending on available facilities.

pod below waterDue to the sexy appearance of the craft, the story has been picked up all over the mainstream press, who can't help but call the energy source “perpetual motion”, rather than just saying that the technology harnesses a new force of nature not yet fully understood. The Daily Mail, for example, says: “Mr. Garner claims to have found a solution to the age-old puzzle of perpetual motion and is now poised to go public with his scientific breakthrough.” (Link)

Garner prefers to describe it as “self-sustaining energy”.

Third-Party Test Results of Self-Sustaining Power” Coming Soon

Phi Beta Iota:  This would be a great SEAL “picket-line pod” (PLP), a whole series of which could be dropped off from an amphibious landing craft.  It could also be used for sustainable short- and mid-term ocean surface surveillance, to include remotely piloted stealth versions.

Event: 27 Dec 2012 Hamburg DE Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime

Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, IO Technologies
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Enemies of the State: What Happens When Telling the Truth about Secret US Government Power Becomes a Crime

Blowing the Whistle on Spying, Lying & Illegalities in the Digital Era

Featuring Thomas Drake, William Binney, and Jessaelyn Radack

With the post 9/11 rise of the leviathan national security state, the rule of law in the United States under the Constitution is increasingly rule by secrecy, surveillance and executive fiat.

Under the guise and veil of “national security” and “protecting” America through enabling act legislation and state “privilege,” the United States government embarked on an unparalleled expansion of secret government power after 9/11, operating largely in the dark, while using extra-judicial executive authority for justifying its policies, including secret spying on its own citizens in violation of the Constitution.

Speakers Radack, Drake and Binney will highlight their searing experiences with the Department of Justice and the National Security Agency, when they were marked as criminal targets of the US government due to their whistleblower disclosures involving rendition/torture, national security, multi-billion fraud, pervasive institutional corruption, violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments, civil and human rights, illegal surveillance on a vast scale and other unlawful secret government conduct and wrongdoing.

They will also discuss the serious and compelling implications resulting from their excruciating ordeals centered on the nexus of secrecy, transparency, technology, privacy, anonymity, Internet and the law as well as actions people can take to deal with the reality of the growing surveillance state and its direct threats to human rights, liberty and freedom around the world in both our off- and on-line lives.

Conference Information