Reflections on Killing Cops – The Canary Dies Too

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, All Reflections & Story Boards, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Killing Cops – The Canary Dies Too

I am troubled by the platitudes and ignorance surrounding the murder of two New York police officers. I am a son of New York and my uncle was a member of the Nassau County police force back in the day when non-judicial punishment kept people out of jail and got them back on track with tough love.

The death of these two officers is the equivalent of the canary in the coal mine dying. They have died because the USA is on the verge of a revolution. Apart from concentrated wealth, loss of faith in government, and tens of millions of unemployed college graduates, we have an unemployment rate closer to 22.4% (see ShadowStats), with 22 veterans committing suicide every single day.

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Reflections on Electoral Reform Act of 2015 — Our Capital Demand (Includes Graphic & Demand Documents)

03 Economy, 06 Family, 10 Security, All Reflections & Story Boards, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Governance, Government, Officers Call, Open Government, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Reform
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

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2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

Answers, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call
Richard Olivier
Richard Olivier

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century

• What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be?

• How can we develop these capacities?

• What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution?

• What is missing from current leadership development?

• How can large organisations really change?

• How can leaders and organisations find their ‘planetary purpose'?

Answers, Graphics, Annotated Bibliography, Leadership Posts & Printable 30-Page Document Below the Fold

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SchwartzReport: 20 Key Findings on CIA Torture — Should President Fire DNI, USDI, and D/CIA?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

20 key findings about CIA interrogations

Almost 13 years after the CIA established secret prisons to hold and interrogate detainees, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the CIA’s programs listing 20 key findings. Click a statement below for a summary of the findings:

1 “not an effective means of acquiring intelligence” 2 “rested on inaccurate claims of their effectiveness”  3 “brutal and far worse than the CIA represented”  4 “conditions of confinement for CIA detainees were harsher”  5 “repeatedly provided inaccurate information”  6 “actively avoided or impeded congressional oversight”  7 “impeded effective White House oversight”  8 “complicated, and in some cases impeded, the national security missions”  9 “impeded oversight by the CIA’s Office of Inspector General”  10 “coordinated the release of classified information to the media”  11 “unprepared as it began operating”  12 “deeply flawed throughout the program's duration”  13 “overwhelmingly outsourced operations”  14 “coercive interrogation techniques that had not been approved”  15 “did not conduct a comprehensive or accurate accounting of the number of individuals it detained”  16 “failed to adequately evaluate the effectiveness”  17 “rarely reprimanded or held personnel accountable”  18 “ignored numerous internal critiques, criticisms, and objections”  19 “inherently unsustainable”  20 “damaged the United States' standing in the world”

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Steven Aftergood: CIA Torture Report – Oversight, But No Remedies Yet — With Strong PBI Comment

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 11 Society, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

CIA Torture Report: Oversight, But No Remedies Yet

The release of the executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation program is, among other things, an epic act of record preservation. Numerous CIA records that might not have been disclosed for decades, or ever, were rescued from oblivion by the Senate report and are now indelibly cited and quoted, even if many of them are not yet released in full. That’s not a small thing, since the history of the CIA interrogation program was not a story that the Agency was motivated or equipped to tell. Read more.

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