John Robb: Gold Bubble–Gold Not Welcome in New Era

03 Economy, 08 Wild Cards, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
John Robb

Nouriel “Dr. Doom” Roubini is slamming the run up in the gold market: it's the new subprime bubble only worse.  It's leveraged 25-40x not just 5-10x.  It's just another example of the global market's central planning directorate in action.  Another massive/bad investment by those with all the decision making power.  It may also be a good indicator that gold is part and parcel of the old broken economy and not something that should be welcome in the new one we're building.

Phi Beta Iota:  George Soros has this exactly right and has pulled out.  What can be understood from open sources in addition to the above is that the gold market is chock full of fraud, including gold certificates issued without gold to back them up; and very likely gold diluted with titanium by the Bank of New York under Tim Geithner.  There is also the residual matter of the Black Lily covert gold fund, of the gold to be confiscated from Libya before the rebels figure out they're dupes in a major theft, and finally–the wild card–there are rumors circulating in the gold community that a new methods has been found that will more rapidly discover all remaining gold deposits around the earth.

See Also:

Continue reading “John Robb: Gold Bubble–Gold Not Welcome in New Era”

Penguin: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Thoughts on Libya

08 Wild Cards
Who, Me?

2nd, 3rd, & 4th thoughts the norm…here's more.  Click on headlines to read full originals.

William Pfaff on Libya

Libya, Egypt, Tunesia: the Arabs did it themselves

Absence of direct US presence in Libya enabled rebel momentum.

Washington's allegiance to Israel makes it impotent in Arabia.

America now more hates in Egypt, Pakistan, and Afghanistan than ever before.

The United States has made itself the enemy of the Muslim world.

Saudi Lust for Libya–The Heir Prances

Royals dancing in palace corridors have been spotted in Riyadh. The heir to the Libyan throne, Prince al-Senussi, a nephew of King Idriss who was deposed by Muammar Gaddafi and others in a bloodless 1969 military coup, has embarked on a busy self-promotion campaign, saying he's ready to go back to Libya and even “lead the country”.

Nothing in the world would be sweeter for the House of Saud – extremely distasteful of most Arab secular republics – than a friendly, brand new emirate in northern Africa.

How to Avoid Bush’s Iraq Mistakes in Libya

The illegal American invasion of Iraq and subsequent occupation was so epochal a catastrophe that it spawned a negative phrase in Arabic, “to Iraqize” or `arqana. Tonight I heard an Alarabiya anchor ask a spokesman for the new government in Libya whether there as a danger of the country being “Iraqized.” He was taken aback and asked her what she meant. Apparently she meant chaos, civil war, no services, etc.

1.  No Western infantry or armored units should be stationed in the country.

2.  As much as possible of the current bureaucracy, police and army should be retained

3.  Establish a strong civilian oversight over police.

4.  Avoid being vindictive toward former Qaddafi supporters, and avoid purging all but the top officials from the body politic.

5.  Avoid a rush to privatize everything.

6. Consult with Norway about how it is possible for an oil state to remain a democracy.

7.  Use the Alaska dividend system to share the oil wealth with Libya’s 6.5 million people. This model was often discussed with regard to Iraq but was never implemented.

8.  Diversify the economy. The most clever way to do so is to use the petroleum receipts to promote other industries and services. Libya has a high literacy rate and could potentially attract investors to put its population to work in other sectors.

9.  Recognize Berber as a national language.

10.  Once it gets on its feet socially and economically, Libya should go forward with bruited plans to get into solar and wind energy big time.

News you may have missed #576 (Libya edition)

►►Rebels seize Libyan intelligence service HQ.

►►Gadhafi’s loose weapons could number a ‘thousand times’ Saddam’s.

►►Why Are Armed Groups Storming Foreign Embassies in Tripoli?

►►Western spies, security contractors, won Libyan war for rebels

Worth a Look: Discerning the Truth in Libya

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence

Phi Beta Iota:   Bottom line: USA/NATO operating a massive Information Operations (IO) campaign while introducing ground forces not authorized by Congress, and committing what we consider to be mass atrocities (war crimes) in the deliberative destruction of the capital city and other infrastructure targets across the country.

Libya Latest News Thursday

Lure of Oil: ‘NATO set to stay in Libya for long'

‘Libya = Iraq 2.0, boots on ground & turbo-capitalism next'

Nato Lies about Victories in Lybia in NWO propaganda War

Webster Tarpley Qaddafi Forces Still Resisting NATO's Rape of Libya

State Terror_ Deadly Libya strikes NATO policy, not mistake.flv

Truth on NATOs war on Lybia in Tripoli Shot At RT 21 08 2011

NATO assistance to Terrorists comes at fantastic cost to Libyans, NATO Crimes In Libya.flv

There are a lot of Dead Qatari on the Streets of Tripoli Now 23.08.11 NATO Crimes In Libya.flv

Ron Paul On CNN Slams Obama's Statements today On Libya And The Constitution

Chuck Spinney: Richard Falk on USG Learning Disability

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Journalism/Free-Press/Censorship, Misinformation & Propaganda, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Chuck Spinney

Reasoning by analogy is powerful, but dangerous for of thinking.  Einstein, for example, showed how reasoning by analogy can unleash stunning insights , but only when properly tempered by critical observation, testing, and systematic analysis, can analogical insights lead to brilliant syntheses that literally change our view of reality.

But that benefit comes with a heavy price, because this kind of reasoning is also a very dangerous way to think.  Analogies can capture the imagination and thereby bias  the Orientation of less disciplined thinkers and decision makers to distort and twist their Observations into a vision of reality the Observer/Decision Maker wants to see.  In so doing, the distorted Orientation takes decision maker off the cliff by disconnecting his Actions from the real world.  And … for every Einstein with a highly disciplined Observation – Orientation – Decision Action loop, there are thousands of crackpots, nutcases, and charlatans trying to sell their visions of “what is” to sell their pre-concieved views of appropriate decisions and actions of action.

In the below essay, Richard Falk offers a good example of reasoning by analogy done properly.  He carefully crafts and explains a limited set of parallels between the January 1968 Tet Offensive in Viet Nam to Obama's dilemma in Afghanistan.  CS

The Tet Offensive's parallels to Afghanistan

The United States should learn from mistakes it made during the Vietnam War and withdraw from Afghanistan.


Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Richard Falk on USG Learning Disability”

DefDog: Imperial Hijacking of the Libyan Civil War a Threat

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence

Another mired endeavor, while Syria, Yemen, Somalia are waiting in the wings…..

Libya's imperial hijacking is a threat to the Arab revolution

Only when those who fought Gaddafi force Nato to leave will Libyans be able to take control of their country

Read  full article….

See Also:

Cynthia McKinney: Libya Round-Up 23 August 2011

Search: libyan tribes map + LIBYA RECAP 22 Aug 11

Chuck Spinney: Karzai Cornered, US Into the Quagmire

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney

Karzai Cornered

Rediff  08/22/2011

By M K Bhadrakumar


The US expectation that the Taliban would learn to live with the American occupation in their lust for power in Kabul is far-fetched and can only be seen as wishful thinking.

. . . . . .

Equally, the ‘hidden agenda’ of the US invasion of Afghanistan can no longer be disowned. Quite obviously, the US intends to plunge into the ‘great game’ in Central Asia.

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota:  This is absolutely worth a complete read.  The US is, as the author suggests, delusional in thinking the Taliban is going to put up with a US presence beyond this winter.  The US has sentenced Karzai to death, and may well lose another 1,000 troops to body bags before the public has its “Tet Offensive” wake-up.   There is nothing in Central Asia worth blood, spirit, and treasure–what is there is vastly over-stated in relation to what could be gained by refocusing on rebuilding America from inside out.  This is a study in corruption across the legislative and executive branches of the US Government.

Cynthia McKinney: Libya Round-Up 23 August 2011

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 08 Wild Cards, 12 Water, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Misinformation & Propaganda
Cynthia McKinney

From Don DBar on behalf of Cynthia McKinney.

Battle for Tripoli not yet over as Gaddafi loyalists strike back

Washington Post, 22 August 2011

KPFA's Davey D interviews Don DeBar about the real on-the-ground situation in Tripoli.

This PressTV bit with me was recorded at 2:30 pm New York time yesterday (22 Aug 2011). At that time, I questioned the veracity of the claimed capture of Gadaffi's sons and of rebel control of the city of Tripoli. It turns out I was right.

No, I don't have a crystal ball – just good contacts on the ground who don't lie or hold their tongues when they see horrible wrong being done. NATO – that's Obama to the apologists – has done everything to keep this information from you, but the truth will out!

. . . . . . .

Libya Coverage Provides a Peek Behind the Curtain

Don DeBar at

. . . . . . .

Interview on Costs of War on Sahar TV

Phi Beta Iota:  US Information Operations (IO) includes Pyschological Operations (PSYOP, now under a new name, same mindset, which is to deceive rather than to promulgate the truth).  It has improved since its signal success in sending Iraqi troops home rather than having to deal with their surrender.  What we are seeing in relation to Libya, apart from the impeachable crimes of pilots, generals, Congress, and the White House, is a major IO/PSYOP campaign that is driven by Wall Street and Big Oil, not by the public interest.  Interestingly, this is also the first time that the truth is being crowd-sourced in a moderately effective manner, suggesting that in the future any IO/PSYOP campaign that is less than truthful will be outed in quick time.

See Also:

Search: libyan tribes map + LIBYA RECAP 22 Aug 11

Phi Beta Iota:  The respective press–those trapped in a hotel in Tripoli and those embedded with the rebels–are seeing only what they are allowed to see.  Apart from Patrick Meier, Arno Reuser and a few others, no one is actually putting together “ground truth” based on widely scatted Twitter and other forms of communication.  The West sees Libya as oil, water, and gold.  The Africa Union has failed to see the urgency of protecting its interest in all three.