NIGHTWATCH: Weak Signals – Sinai Instability, Suez Risk

08 Wild Cards

suez and sinaiSinai. Gunmen fired on the car of the commander of the Second Field Army in Sinai today. This is the third attack in four days in Sinai.

Comment: Security conditions in Sinai require watching because any threat to disrupt traffic in the Suez Canal most likely would emerge from the eastern, Sinai, bank of the Canal. The new administration cannot afford to show any sign of hesitation to control the Sinai militants. Army operations were supposed to have already begun, but no news outlet has confirmed them.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: Weak Signals – Sinai Instability, Suez Risk”

Paul Craig Roberts: Putin Chews Out G8, Merkel Supports Him — A Must Read!

06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military, Peace Intelligence
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts

Below is a translation from As-Safir, a Lebanese newspaper, July 6, 2013, by Arabic-English translator Eric Mueller. As the translator was not present at the Group of Eight meeting, he cannot vouch for the accuracy of the report, only for the accuracy of the translation. The report by Dawud Rimal does reflect Putin's no-nonsense manner of speaking. The report from As-Safir contrasts with the US coverage.

Diplomatic sources: Putin tells G8 “You want Asad to resign. Look at the leaders you've made in the Middle East.”

MUST READ — Full text below the line.

Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts: Putin Chews Out G8, Merkel Supports Him — A Must Read!”

Neal Rauhauser: Somalia’s al-Shabaab Has a Coup

05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

Somalia’s al-Shabaab Has A Coup

Six months ago I wrote Clearing Somalia Of al-Shabaab. Today I was reading Will Somali Islamist Purge Strengthen al-Shabaab? and I see they have not updated their map of who controls what since then, even though the situation is clearly changing.

Read full post with two graphics.

Phi Beta Iota:  We consider Somalia and Yemen to be two perfect candidates for any coalition that wishes to wage peace instead of war.  Bury them in solar power, desalinated water, hydroponic agriculture, and free celluar and Internet access.  Then get out of the way as they create wealth and with wealth, legitimacy and stability.

See Also:

2013 Robert Steele: $500 Million to Resettle 1 Million on a Moonscape with Sun, Dirt, & Salt Water….Exploring the Practical Edge of Intelligence with Integrity — Call for Substantive Ideas 2.0 Habitat Cost Sheet Posted

Jean Lievin & Jon Rappoport: Is Ed Snowden A Stake In Heart of USG-Wall Street Market Rigging? Is an Impeachment Shit-Storm Looming? Will Extratradition of US Bankers Be Demanded?

04 Indonesia, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Liberation Technology, Military, Policy, Privacy
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Max Keiser Explains Significance of Edward Snowden’s “Leak”

Twitching, rumpled and passionate, Max Keiser explains the deeper significance of Edward Snowden’s recent intelligence leaks.  It’s not about national security.  Keiser implies that Snowden has revealed evidence of a fascist market-rigging operation that’s ultimately funding America’s secret government–a corporate plutocracy.


Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Matrix: Who is Edward Snowden?

By Jon Rappoport

This article is a compilation of a number of pieces I’ve written about Ed Snowden and the NSA. It doesn’t replace them, but it hits the high points…


For years ATS [substitute NSA] had been using its technological superiority to conduct massive insider trading. Since the early 1980s, the company had spied on anyone and everyone in the financial world. They listened in on phone calls, intercepted faxes, and evolved right along with the technology, hacking internal computer networks and e-mail accounts. They created mountains of ‘black dollars’ for themselves, which they washed through various programs they were running under secret contract, far from the prying eyes of financial regulators.

Those black dollars were invested into hard assets around the world, as well as in the stock market, through sham, offshore corporations. They also funneled the money into reams of promising R&D projects, which eventually would be turned around and sold to the Pentagon or the CIA.

Read full article.

Continue reading “Jean Lievin & Jon Rappoport: Is Ed Snowden A Stake In Heart of USG-Wall Street Market Rigging? Is an Impeachment Shit-Storm Looming? Will Extratradition of US Bankers Be Demanded?”

Neal Rauhauser: Caucasus Emirate, Chechnya, 2014 Olympic Threat, and Syria

06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

The Caucasus Emirate

Doku Umarov, the most wanted Chechen terrorist in Russia, has made a direct threat against the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, which are to be held in Sochi on the Black Sea, an area once known as Circassia. The tribes that lived there were Muslim, but 600,000 were slaughtered and the rest were driven out around the time of the U.S. Civil War.

The Caucasus Emirate is both the group seeking to create an independent Islamic state and the name they seek to use for the state itself. Note Sochi itself, at the center on the left edge of the map.

Read full post with maps.

Owl: YouTube (8:00) Corrupt US Media Blacks Out Israeli Torture of Palestinian Children as Investigated and Documented by the United Nations

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Military

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

UN Accuses Israel of Torturing Palestinian Children

This Real News Network report discusses two human rights violations against Palestinian children that were first publicized by an Israeli organization and have since been investigated by the UN: abusive confinement and prosecution, and using them as human shields.

Phi Beta Iota: The US Media may well be the most corrupt in the world — apart from not being honest about war crimes, the mere fact that Bloomberg Business Week reports without question the false economic and employment statistics of the US Government should alarm all who hold the illusion that the US Media is worth anything at all.

Berto Jongman: Did Israel Bypass Russians with Submarine Missile Attack on Syria Last Night?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Did an Israeli Dolphin submarine just bypass the Russian S-300 batteries in Syria ?

Editor’s Note…

Semi-official reports in the recent 36 hours describe a mysterious blast in a Syrian arms depot in the city of Latakia ,located well within the Allawite enclave in North Western Syria. FSA sources claimed responsibility for the blast, but western observes cast doubts on these claims due to the geographical and tactical constraints. According to some estimations the blasts were caused by missiles arriving from the western direction, that is from the Mediterranean sea. This would suggest that if the Israelis are behind this event, they may have used an undetectable maritime platform, like the Dolphin class submarine, to bypass the recently deployed S-300 air defense systems, operated in Syria by Russian teams. Sea skimming cruise missiles are hard to detect, likewise submarine-borne naval commandos conducting nocturnal raids on enemy ports. If so, this would indicate a decision to refrain from risking a confrontation with the Russian military which would surely break out in case of a direct attack on the S-300 batteries. There is no ‘smoking gun’ to support this version yet,but the refusal of Israeli official to comment on this event may suggest a repetition of the standard mode of operation used during the IAF bombing raids on Hezbollah targets and biochemical facilities in Damascus in the recent year: maintaining two-fold plausible deniability which enables both governments (of Israel and Syria) to limit armed clashes to the clandestine level in order to avoid the unpredictable results of a full scale war .

Read full article.

See Also:

Israel Destroyed Syrian Weapons Depot Containing Advanced Russian Arms