SchwartzReport: Obesity Linked to Antibiotics?

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here for the first time we see a possible explanation for the explosion of Obesity, and the connection between the rampant overuse of antibiotics and our deeply sick industrial agriculture system. Once again it demonstrates the profit of the few over the wellness of the many. Our society is dying because we either cannot or will not commit to social policies that prioritize national wellness.

Obesity in the United States – Dysbiosis From Exposure to Low-dose Antibiotics?
Lee W. Riley, Eva Raphael, and Eduardo Faerstein, Division of Infectious Disease and Vaccinology, School of Public Health, University of California – Frontiers in Public Health

Phi Beta Iota: Obesity is a cultural outcome of social decay and a mix of corporate and government irresponsibility. It has many causes. What does not exist today in accessible form to the public is a true cost analysis of corrupt agriculture, corrupt energy, corrupt water, and corrupt everything these — obesity is symptom of a society that has lost its mind and soul.

See Also:

Obesity @ Phi Beta Iota

SchwartzReport: Fracking Is Using up Billions of Gallons of Water in the Places That Need it Most

05 Energy, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Once again, as has been true of so many other situations, we see in this report the profit for the few trumping the wellbeing of the many. It is literally killing American society, destroying the middle class, and corrupting our democracy. What continues to amaze me is how loyal Red state voters are to those who are degrading their lives.

Fracking Is Using up Billions of Gallons of Water in the Places That Need it Most
LINDSAY ABRAMS, Assistant Editor – Salon

SchwartzReport: West Virginia Water Contains Formaldehyde

12 Water
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This story is so sad and demoralizing. The truth is West Virginia is essentially a carbon energy plantation not a state. And West Virginians, rather than develop alternative employment opportunities, have been brainwashed into feeling a kind of fierce pride in their subjugation.

West Virginia Water Contains Formaldehyde, Official Says
KILEY KROH – Climate Progress

See Also:

Water @ Phi Beta Iota

SchwartzReport: U.S. Needs $354 Billion To Repair Decrepit Pipes And Keep Drinking Water Clean

12 Water

You will remember the piece I ran a few days ago showing that the repair of our water infrastructure would produce far more jobs and income than than an oil pipeline. Here is further information on this. Look at the wastage that is going on, and the systems that are close to collapse. The nation's infrastructure is literally breaking down. I hope! this will become a restoration trend in this country. Without it we are going to be in serious trouble.

The U.S. Needs $354 Billion To Repair Decrepit Pipes And Keep Drinking Water Clean
AVIVA SHEN – Think Progress

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: U.S. Needs $354 Billion To Repair Decrepit Pipes And Keep Drinking Water Clean”

SchwartzReport: West Virginia Atrocity Spill Shows Zero Safety Oversight in 20 Years

12 Water, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is a very important essay about the lessons to be learned from the West Virginia spill, a story that has gotten remarkably little in-depth coverage by the corporate media. I read today that the supposedly safe water trucks that have been bringing water to the people in fact having been filling from the same river downstream from where the leak occurred.

This disaster, like the Texas explosion that destroyed a town a few months back, occurred because there had been no regulatory oversight of this facility in over two decades. It is a Goebbels' Big Lie to say we have too much regulation in this country. The problem is exactly the opposite.

West Virginia’s Message to the Nation
ALAN FARAGO, President of Friends of the Everglades – Counter Punch

M. Johanna Smith: Science of Water Being Undermined by USG and EPA — Poisoned Water is Government Policy

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 12 Water

At the August 2012 Gordon Research Center Conference on DBPs of Chloraminated Drinking Water Systems multiple researchers presented material regarding the ulra carcinogenic DBPs of chloraminated water. In an extraordinary and draconian measure, EPA had one of their own researchers taken into federal remand.

Susan Richardson (1990's)
Susan Richardson (1990's)

Dr. Susan Richardson At the time the then EPA Risk Management Lab researcher (Athens GA)  was handcuffed and frogmarched out of the conference because a private email of hers had been leaked in part without her permission to a Tulsa newspaper. It was not lost on the rest of the conference what would happen to them if they publicly discussed the conference findings regarding chloramines. Over a year and a half later and upwards of 130 million people are uninformed of the serious health risks to them, their families, animals and wildlife nationwide.

Judy LaKind
Judy LaKind

Dr. Judy LaKind presented  material at the conference citing if a child swims once in a chloraminated public pool he/she will sustain lung damage.(“Pool Induced Asthma“). Think of infants swimming in a chloraminated pool – they must be at greater risk,  perhaps to  even  respiratory failure, and yet no one is discussing this publicly.

Hexavalent chromium affects over 189 utilities nationwide. It remains a serious issue which no one is discussing. Chloramines still leaches lead and no one is discussing this. In the near future a study will be released showing that 49 million Americans are at risk from radiation in their water due to leaks from nuclear power plants . Additionally many Americans have naturally generated radiation in their drinking water,  via mining and petroleum operations. Add to this fracking issues and you pretty much have the picture. Almost forgot the hundreds of refined chemicals that there are no test for their presence in water..That rounds it out. [Phi Beta Iota: to this we would add the drugs that are flushed into the sewage system and not filtered out completely when the water is “purified.”]

The American public blindly trusts the utilities. Flouride is a known poison and a toxic waste and yet it is continually added to our drinking water. It actually works to increase bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals. Think what the combination of flouride and chloramines does: delivering toxic heavy metals and increasing  bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals, and for good measure delivering the ultra carcinogenic iodic DBPs and/or NDMAs.

Here is  the kicker. Flouride makes people more docile. Who knows what is really in  water anyway. Everyone wonders why Americans are so  inactive.–could it be they are being sedated with flouride, or lithium? — who knows? You must be very careful how you write about water issues. The water  industry is extremely litigious.

We need to have  oversight truly advocating for public health in  drinking water issues and/or convert to  a transparent innovative water treatment technology. The same day Susan Richardson was taken into federal remand my business partner was as well. Do you think it is a coincidence that the man who invented the solution to the chloramines debacle was taken into federal remand the same day as Dr. Richardson?

Clearly we do have the paradigm shift. It may be we have to take the technology outside the USA. However my heart breaks for my fellow Americans who will wind up as my daughter did at MD Anderson or the Mayo Cliinic because this technology is suppressed.

At the moment our government is in shambles that few understand. Perhaps read this material and think it over. There has to be a strategy better than starting a water panic. However I am on the verge of that because I feel people have a fundamental right to information so important to their survival. I had the feeling you might help me think of someting ingenious. The solution to negativity is always creativity.

Kind regards,

Johanna Smith

The paradigm shift in water treatment is as follows: