Journal: Wall Street’s Naked Swindle

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Reform
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

A scheme to flood the market with counterfeit stocks helped kill Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers — and the feds have yet to bust the culprits

MATT TAIBBIPosted Oct 14, 2009

What really happened to Bear and Lehman is that an economic drought temporarily left the hyenas without any more middle-class victims — and so they started eating each other, using the exact same schemes they had been using for years to fleece the rest of the country. And in the forensic footprint left by those kills, we can see for the first time exactly how the scam worked — and how completely even the government regulators who are supposed to protect us have given up trying to stop it.

This was a brokered bloodletting, one in which the power of the state was used to help effect a monstrous consolidation of financial and political power. Heading into 2008, there were five major investment banks in the United States: Bear, Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Today only Morgan Stanley and Goldman survive as independent firms, perched atop a restructured Wall Street hierarchy. And while the rest of the civilized world responded to last year's catastrophes with sweeping measures to rein in the corruption in their financial sectors, the United States invited the wolves into the government, with the popular new president, Barack Obama — elected amid promises to clean up the mess — filling his administration with Bear's and Lehman's conquerors, bestowing his papal blessing on a new era of robbery.

Journal: Demise of Obama in Afghanistan Part I

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Peace Intelligence, Policy, Reform, Strategy
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

In my opinion, it is now almost certain that Afghanistan will wreck the presidency of Barack Obama.  As I feared, Mr. Obama has allowed the US military and its allies in the Democratic wing and Republican wing of the national-security apparat (there is no real difference between these wings) to ensnare him in the wreckage left by the Clinton/Blair/Bush not-so-grand strategy of “indispensable” power: coercive diplomacy punctuated by endless “[no-so] precision” warfare.  Supporting Sources for this Comment at end of posting.

Spinney Comments Continue After the Highlighted Article

Western export of the ballot box elixir is pure hubris

The absurd expectation heaped on Afghanistan's election is a fig leaf for leaders seduced by the allure of military power

Simon Jenkins  Guardian  20 October 2009 21.30 BST

Journal: Demise of Obama in Afghanistan Part II

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Peace Intelligence, Policy, Reform, Strategy
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Johann Hari: The three fallacies that have driven the war in Afghanistan

Case for escalating the war is based on premises that turn to dust on inspection

Johann Hari Independent Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Is Barack Obama about to drive his Presidency into a bloody ditch strewn with corpses? The President is expected any day now to announce his decision about the future of the war in Afghanistan. He knows US and British troops have now been stationed in the hell-mouth of Helmand longer than the First and Second World Wars combined – yet the mutterings from the marble halls of Washington DC suggest he may order a troop escalation.

Obama has to decide now whether to side with the American people and the Afghan people calling for a rapid reduction in US force, or with a small military clique demanding a ramping-up of the conflict. The populations of both countries are in close agreement. The latest Washington Post poll shows that 51 per cent of Americans say the war is “not worth fighting” and that ending the foreign occupation will “reduce terrorism”. Only 27 per cent disagree. At the other end of the gun-barrel, 77 per cent of Afghans in the latest BBC poll say the on-going US air strikes are “unacceptable”, and the US troops should only remain if they are going to provide reconstruction assistance rather than bombs.

Continue reading “Journal: Demise of Obama in Afghanistan Part II”

Worth a Look: Bankster

03 Economy, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Reform, Worth A Look
Site Home Online
Site Home Online

On the one-year anniversary of the Banksters blowing a hole in the global economy, no employee of a major American bank or financial institution is behind bars. Compare this to what happened after the Savings and Loan heist almost 20 years ago.

Take Action
Take Action

No less than 1,852 S&L officials were prosecuted and 1,072 were jailed. Over 500 CEOs and top officers were indicted. What is going on here? Don't we believe in holding people accountable anymore? Tell the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI to get cracking! Our motto? TOO BIG TO FAIL, BUT NOT TOO BIG TO GO TO JAIL!

Put an End to Death Bonds

No New Powers for the Fed

Cap Those Interest Rates, 10% is Enough!

Demand Accountability, Fairness, and Security

Phi Beta Iota: Being added to Righteous Sites.

Journal: How NOT to Decide on Afghanistan

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Ethics, Government, Methods & Process, Military, Policy, Reform, Strategy, Threats
Failure of HUMINT
Failure of HUMINT

The Real Reason for More Troops in Afghanistan

Michael Gaddy    October 20, 2009Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of our quest for empire over the past six decades realizes that Obama’s contemplation of whether to send additional troops to Afghanistan is simply those who control him providing Obama with the opportunity to look “presidential.” The decision to send additional troops was reached prior to the situational comedy of General McChrystal’s leaked “confidential report” to the Washington Post and Obama’s National Security Advisor’s public admonishment of McChrystal’s failure to follow the chain of command. All of this is nothing but a well-rehearsed, though poorly camouflaged hoax. Additional troops will be sent to Afghanistan within a very short period of time and Obama really has no say in the matter. The question is: why?

Continue reading “Journal: How NOT to Decide on Afghanistan”

Journal: True Cost of National Debt (US)

Reform, True Cost
Deficit Future Online
Deficit Future Online

U.S. Debt $668,621 Per Household


Monday, June 1, 2009

No that's not a typo: that's the statistic according to USA Today. The folks over there have done some really great work this week with another interesting interactive chart attached to an article about the nation's debt. If they keep this up, I'll have to stop considering it a useless free newspaper I step over when leaving a hotel room. The numbers it reports are staggering.  [Phi Beta Iota: tip of the hat to USA Today, live link above recommended.]

Continue reading “Journal: True Cost of National Debt (US)”

Journal: True Cost of UK National Debt

Reform, True Cost
UK Debt Story Online
UK Debt Story Online

True cost of UK debt is £86,000 per household, warns MP


By Deborah Hyde

19 October 2009

The Conservative MP for Braintree calculates the true level of government debt is £2,200 billion (or £85,610 per household), equivalent to 157% of GDP.

He said the latest official figure of £805 billion does not take into account:

  • the full cost of projects financed through the PFI (£139 billion)
  • unfunded public sector pension liabilities (£1,104 billion)
  • contingent liabilities such as Network Rail (£22 billion)
  • the cost of recent interventions in the financial sector (£130 billion).

These hidden liabilities total £1,395 billion (100% of GDP).

See also:

Continue reading “Journal: True Cost of UK National Debt”