Worth a Look: Human Transformation Welcome Message (Organizational Version)

Worth A Look

Phi Beta Iota: All of us in the public intelligence network are in at the creation of what could be a transformative human network.  Both individuals and organizations may register at no cost and be part of the launch. Organizations registering today will be included, with their logo, in the 14 Feb launch video.  The original invitation from Tom Atlee, seer of the co-intelligence network and pioneer for evolutionary activism, is here:

Worth a Look: Sign-Up Today to Be Part of Human Transformation Project

Dear Engaging Organizations leaders,

Welcome to Four Years. Go.

Congratulations on being one the very first organizations to engage in this powerfully emergent global campaign. There are now more than 200 of us! Soon there will be thousands.

We are looking forward to working with you to bring forth the worldwide surge of energy, enthusiasm, creativity and action that will shift humanity to a sustainable, just and fulfilling trajectory by 14 February 2014.
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Worth a Look: Sign-Up Today to Be Part of Human Transformation Project

Worth A Look
Tom Atlee

This is not a new organization. It is a new goal for every organization.

Signup to stay informed or help out…

The first phase of Four Years Go will roll out in Feb 2010.

Below the Fold:  complete explicatory email from Tom Atlee, America's seer for co-intelligence and revolutionary activism.

Skip letter (bad idea–multiple links below) and go directly to Four Years to Go

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Worth A Look: A View from the Emergence Edge

Worth A Look
Wikipedia Biography

Illuminati Rule To End This Year, Maybe This Week

There are now several groups with active plans for implementing a new paradigm to replace the one of endless war and genocide being pursued by the criminals who have taken over Western civilization.

One group centered on the British empire would like to begin construction of massive free energy facilities to remove salt from sea-water and use the resulting fresh water to turn the deserts green. This group is allying itself with the Middle Eastern monarchies and plans to work simultaneously in Australia and the Arabian peninsula.

This group also wants to pay the world’s deep sea fishing fleets to stop all fishing for two or three years in order to allow the oceans to replenish themselves.

A different group based in Australia but with powerful connections throughout the G7 proposes turning the deserts green by using etheric weather engineering technology.

They also plan to start cleaning up the world’s most polluted sites using zeolite, an abundant mineral that absorbs toxic substances and prevents them from interacting with the environment in a harmful manner. They also have free energy technology.

A third group based on the US military-intelligence establishment proposes a 5-year swords to plowshares transformation of the Pentagon. This group has the potential to develop the over 6,000 patents that have hitherto been suppressed for “national security” reasons.

One technology they possess is anti-gravity. This would make automobiles obsolete and allow roadways to be transformed into gardens. They claim to control technology that allows the creation of portals into other dimensions.

They claim (we have not seen proof but have heard this from many credible eye-witnesses) that many so-called underground bases around the world are actual such portals.

Hopefully we will soon be able to see if this is true. If so the implications are more than mind-boggling.

This group will no doubt join forces with the various “programs” and trusts that have been fighting the Federal Reserve Board for decades.

A fourth group linking the Vatican and Russia sent us the following proposal:

We are working with leading world scientists from top prestigious institutions in Russia, they are developing many innovations:

  • in the fields of energy generating (heat and/or electricity) using water as fuel,
  • manufacturing new elements and isotopes from cheap materials,
  • converting radioactive materials (waste) into stable condition,
  • desalinating sea water to produce fresh water without any salted residuals,
  • transmutation of poisonous materials into inert materials,
  • municipal waste recycling,
  • motors of higher power at lower consumption of electricity,
  • special converters and transformers,
  • earthquake prediction,
  • New Approach Towards Understanding Origination of Matter and Energy in Universe from vacuum,
  • many technologies for the nuclear energy industry that will be the top energy by 2050 according to EDF, and much more.

There are many technologies/projects in need of investment that are on the market, some that are about to enter in the market and some that need more years of investigation.

At any time it can be arranged a meeting in the several prestigious institutions in Moscow or the Officials/scientists can go to Japan to make the presentations.

Continue reading “Worth A Look: A View from the Emergence Edge”

Worth a Look: IBM’s Smarter Planet Initiative

Analysis, Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: The problem with IBM, apart from its ignoring the threat from Google, is that it still tries to create proprietary and single-point solutions.

IBM is a great company with smart people–they are going to have to be compelling to move into the Open Source Triad (Software, Intelligence, Spectrum) by smarter citizens who will settle for nothing less.

We like this site, a great deal.  Lots to work with.

Worth a Look: GeoChat (SMS Plotted on Map)

Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Geospatial, Mobile, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Real Time, Technologies, Threats, Tools, Worth A Look
Collaboration Tool

GeoChat emerged from a simple concept – can I send an SMS message and see it on a map?

From there the concept has evolved, and geochat has become a project to build a collaboration platform from the lowest common denominator communication tools, considering as highest priorities the needs of workers of humanitarian aid, international health and disaster response.

The main drivers for the project are the feedback of the InSTEDD programs in South East Asia, exercises such as GoldenShadow, and a growing community of humanitarian and health workers who spend their days in technologically austere environments. We invite anyone from any line of work to use and contribute user experience, technical, and any other kind of feedback.

Phi Beta Iota: InSTEDD [Innovative Support to Emergencies Diseases Disasters] is blessed with the participation of Cdr Eric Rasmussen, USN, a co-founder of STRONG ANGEL which has been allowed to die for all the wrong reasons.  He and Dr. Dr. Dave Warner are pioneers in M4IS2 [Multinational Multiagency Multidisciplinary Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making.]  See also UNICEF's RapidSMS.

Worth a Look: Citizen-Centered Talking Points Memo

Media, Worth A Look
Home Page

Talking Points Memo is the flagship blog of TPM Media LLC, which also publishes TPMmuckraker, TPMDC, TPMtv and TPMCafe. Founder and editor Josh Marshall began publishing Talking Points Memo during the 2000 Florida vote recount. The site specializes in original reporting on government and politics and offers breaking news coverage, investigative reporting, high profile guest bloggers and a book club.

Talking Points Memo is one of the most innovative political news organizations in the country. Media watchers consider TPM the site to watch as the news business transforms from the old world of print to the online digital future. In March 2009 TPM topped TIME Magazine's list of 25 Best Blogs of 2009. “Talking Points,” wrote Time's editors, “has become the prototype of what a successful Web-based news organization is likely to be in the future.” And in September of 2009 The Atlantic listed founder Josh Marshall among the nation's 50 most influential commentators.

Phi Beta Iota: If we had to pick one source of citizen-centered political news that represents clarity, diversity, and integrity, it would be this one.   Since we shy away from politically-oriented material and focus mostly on process, these folks get our vote as a righteous source of information.