Worth a Look: Bear in the Square Global Warming Icon

Worth A Look
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In the run-up to Christmas this year, Trafalgar Square's Northern Terrace will play host to a life-sized ice sculpture of a hunting polar bear. Over 10 days the Bear in the Square will melt, leaving a skeleton, a pool of water and a powerful environmental message.

Sculptor, Mark Coreth will finish carving the bear from a huge block of white ice during the morning of Friday 11th December. After that, anyone who visits Trafalgar Square will be able to reach out and touch the melting bear and the skeleton as it emerges.

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Worth a Look: Dark Mission–The Secret History of NASA

Worth A Look
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Recommended Review for a Re-Framing of NASA

This review is from the perspective of a former NASA Manned Spaceflight Controller, so it is more technical than expository. I first encountered Hoagland's claims through the NASA Technical Alert Briefing viewed by many controllers at the Johnson Space Center in 1989-90, found his claims creditable, and then discovered the briefing tape “disappeared” from the closed JSC Technical Library – from both the open card catalog and the closed shelf listing catalog. As a former university library page, I was shocked to find all references to the briefing tape we controllers viewed were gone two years later. When I began investigating the matter, I was told in no uncertain terms to cease any search for the missing library records.

Worth a Look: IntelNews.org

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Worth A Look
Online Site for IntelNews
Online Site for IntelNews

Reaonsable and useful coverage, shows great promise.  Ideal would be a collaborative deal with the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO) to have it all in one place.

Sample postings, along with clips “News You May Have Missed” all focused on government secret intelligence and counterintelligence that are NOT covered by Phi Beta Iota.

Iran government spying on ex-pat dissidents, says Germany

Senior Afghan official says Pakistan aided Kabul suicide bombing

MI5 chief defends use of intelligence extracted through torture

Senator says Obama employs Bush tactics on spy secrecy

Worth a Look: Bankster

03 Economy, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Reform, Worth A Look
Site Home Online
Site Home Online

On the one-year anniversary of the Banksters blowing a hole in the global economy, no employee of a major American bank or financial institution is behind bars. Compare this to what happened after the Savings and Loan heist almost 20 years ago.

Take Action
Take Action

No less than 1,852 S&L officials were prosecuted and 1,072 were jailed. Over 500 CEOs and top officers were indicted. What is going on here? Don't we believe in holding people accountable anymore? Tell the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI to get cracking! Our motto? TOO BIG TO FAIL, BUT NOT TOO BIG TO GO TO JAIL!

Put an End to Death Bonds

No New Powers for the Fed

Cap Those Interest Rates, 10% is Enough!

Demand Accountability, Fairness, and Security

Phi Beta Iota: Being added to Righteous Sites.

Worth a Look: Innovation Orientation

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats, Worth A Look

We keep an eye on what folks's are searching for; this posting is inspired by one such search.  Use Contact Page or comments section to engage–we respond to all contacts or comments within 24 hours.

First, use the menu–there will be overlap!

Best Practices in Management (52)  Change & Innovation (60)  Complexity & Resilience (45)  Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design (55)  Technology (Bio-Mimicry, Clean) (4)  Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized) (34)

Voices Lost are a fundamental source of innovation once heard–diversity matters at all levels.  It merits comment that “status quo” bureaucracies are death-beds, antithetical to innovation.  This is why there is a “spike” or “lifeboat” theory of change.  OSS and EIN may one day be recognized as the lifeboat that saved US Intelligence from oblivion.  We are not holding our breath, but the reality is that there is more innovation in intelligence outside the wire–not federal, not expensive, and most certainly not secret–but the White House is too busy to realize it is being fed expensive waste.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Innovation Orientation”