Patrick Meier: 100 Resilient Cities — Data Science and Tactical Resilience

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Data Science for 100 Resilient Cities

The Rockefeller Foundation recently launched a major international initiative called “100 Resilient Cities.” The motivation behind this global project stems from the recognition that cities are facing increasing stresses driven by the unprecedented pace urbanization. More than 75% of people expected to live in cities by 2050. The Foundation is thus rightly concerned: “As natural and man-made shocks and stresses grow in frequency, impact and scale, with the ability to ripple across systems and geographies, cities are largely unprepared to respond to, withstand, and bounce back from disasters” (1).


Resilience is the capacity to self-organize, and smart self-organization requires social capital and robust feedback loops. I’ve discussed these issues and related linkages at lengths in the posts listed below and so shan’t repeat myself here. 

  • How to Create Resilience Through Big Data [link]
  • On Technology and Building Resilient Societies [link]
  • Using Social Media to Predict Disaster Resilience [link]
  • Social Media = Social Capital = Disaster Resilience? [link]
  • Does Social Capital Drive Disaster Resilience? [link]
  • Failing Gracefully in Complex Systems: A Note on Resilience [link]

Instead, I want to make a case for community-driven “tactical resilience” aided (not controlled) by data science.

Read full post and watch vidoe (2:49).

Patrick Meier: First Spam Filter for Disaster Response — Multiple Humans, Automated Cross-Checking

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

The First Ever Spam Filter for Disaster Response

While spam filters provide additional layers of security to websites, they can also be used to process all kinds of information. Perhaps most famously, for example, the reCAPTCHA spam filter was used to transcribe the New York Times’ entire paper-based archives. See my previous blog post to learn how this was done and how spam filters can also be used to process information for disaster response. Given the positive response I received from humanitarian colleagues who read the blog post, I teamed up with my colleagues at QCRI to create the first ever spam filter for disaster response.

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The desired outcome? Each potential disaster picture is displayed to 3 different email account users. Only if each of the 3 users tag the same picture as capturing disaster damage does that picture get automatically forwarded to members of the Digital Humanitarian Network. To tag more pictures after logging in, users are invited to do so via MicroMappers, which launches this September in partnership with OCHA. MicroMappers enables members of the public to participate in digital disaster response efforts with a simple click of the mouse.

Read full post with more graphics.

Patrick Meier: Crowd-Sourcing CPR — There’s an App for That + Next Step Is Local to Global Range of Gifts Table

Crowd-Sourcing, Governance, Innovation, Mobile, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Crowdsourcing Life-Saving Assistance

Disaster responders cannot be everywhere at the same time, but the crowd is always there. The same is true for health care professionals such as critical care paramedics who work with an ambulance service. Paramedics cannot be posted everywhere. Can crowdsourcing help? This was the question posed to me by my colleague Mark who overseas the ambulance personnel for a major city.

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Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

So why not develop a dedicated smartphone app to alert bystanders when someone nearby is suffering from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest? This is what Mark was getting at when we started this conversation back in April. Well it just so happens that such an app does exist. The PulsePoint mobile app “alerts CPR-trained bystanders to someone nearby having a sudden cardiac arrest that may require CPR. The app is activated by the local public safety communications center simultaneous with the dispatch of local fire and EMS resources” (4).

Read full post.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Crowd-Sourcing CPR — There's an App for That + Next Step Is Local to Global Range of Gifts Table”

Patrick Meier: Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response

Crowd-Sourcing, Governance, Innovation, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response

Recent empirical studies have clearly demonstrated the importance of offline social capital for disaster resilience and response. I’ve blogged about some of this analysis here and here. Social capital is typically described as those “features of social organizations, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate action and cooperation for mutual benefit.” In other words, social capital increases a group’s capacity for collective action and thus self-organization, which is a key driver of disaster resilience. What if those social organizations were virtual and the networks digital? Would these online communities “generate digital social capital”? And would this digital social capital have any impact on offline social capital, collective action and resilience?

Read full post.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Why Digital Social Capital Matters for Disaster Resilience and Response”

Robin Good: YouTube (1:56) Enginuity Search and Content Marketing

Robin Good
Robin Good

Enginuity is a socially curated search engine targeted at content marketers, bloggers and other content publishers who want to easily find already socially vetted and interesting / trendy content on a specific topic and share it to their preferred social media (Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc.) channels, publishing platforms (WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, etc.) or social management tools (Hootsuite, Buffer, etc.).

The search results in Enginuity are pre-grouped into web, news, reviews, images, video clips and viral results and ranked by their trendiness and level of sharing on social media channels. Enginuity also supports direct export to your selected stories to a set of dedicated RSS feeds which you can create and name freely.

My comment: Useful tool for content marketers who are not subject matter experts looking for trendy content that can be easily posted to their media properties. Easy to use. Very broad sharing and distribution options. Free plan available. Requires registration. Find out more:

Phi Beta Iota:  This has a function if that is the function you seek, but ythe results are nowhere near the coolness and utility of DuckDuckGo or Qwant.

Patrick Meier: YouTube (15:33) Digital Humanitarians: Patrick Meier at TEDxTraverseCity 2013

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Data, Design, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, Mobile, Resilience, Software, Spectrum, Transparency, YouTube


Phi Beta Iota:  We strongly recommend watching the full presentation.  This is “ground zero” for the future of intelligence, along with OSE and M4IS2.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: YouTube (15:33) Digital Humanitarians: Patrick Meier at TEDxTraverseCity 2013”

Rickard Falkvinge: New Book Swarmwise Now Available

6 Star Top 10%, Change & Innovation, Civil Society, Complexity & Resilience, Consciousness & Social IQ, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Democracy, Governance, Information Society, Intelligence (Collective & Quantum), P2P / Panarchy, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Philosophy, Politics, Politics, Priorities, Public Administration, True Cost & Toxicity, Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Book Launch: SWARMWISE

Swarm Management:  After four years of work, the leadership book Swarmwise is finally published. It is a book filled to the brim with the experience from leading the Swedish Pirate Party from zero into the European Parliament, spreading the movement to 70 countries, and most importantly, beating the competition on less than one percent of their budget – being over two orders of magnitude more cost-efficient. It is available as a paperback and a PDF, with more formats to come.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Yesterday afternoon, I hit the “publish” button, and as of this morning, the book is available on Amazon (US, UK, DE, FR). It is also available as a PDF for free sharing (download and torrent). This is the culmination of four years of work, after I decided to write down and share my experiences with forming, leading, and winning with a swarm-style community.

The book doesn’t go into theoretical detail, psychology, or deep research papers. Rather, it is very hands-on leadership advice from pure experience – it covers everything from how you give instructions to new activists about handing out flyers in the street, up to and including how you communicate with TV stations and organize hundreds of thousands of people in a coherent swarm. Above all, it focuses on the cost-efficiency of the swarm structure, and is a tactical instruction manual for anybody who wants to dropkick their competition completely – no matter whether their game is business, social, or political.

Continue reading “Rickard Falkvinge: New Book Swarmwise Now Available”