Michel Bauwens: P2P Commons Next Steps

Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Proposed Next Steps for the emerging P2P and Commons networks

I believe the time is there to start constructing the following three institutional coalitions:
* The civic/political institution: The Alliance of the Commons
* The economic institution: the P2P/Commons Globa-local « Phyle »
* The political-economy institution: The Chamber of the Commons

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Tom Atlee: DemocracyOS and Public Wisdom

Access, Crowd-Sourcing, Governance, Transparency
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

Dear Ana Lis,

It was great to meet you, to talk for hours with enthusiasm and humor, and to establish a connection with Argentina's DemocracyOS movement.  (For the info of those on the To and Cc list above who are not familiar with DemocracyOS  it is a grassroots open source system in Argentina for online proposals, discussion, and voting on legislation.  It is connected to a separate political party – the Net Party  – which runs candidates committed to voting on legislation according to what citizens decide on DemocracyOS.  Both DemocracyOS and the Net Party have some parallels elsewhere in the world and are themselves spreading their memes to other places.)

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Sepp Hasslberger: FLOSS (Open Source) Laptop with No Mystery Abusive Software

Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Finally a laptop geared specifically for open source (free/libre) operating system and software…

Librem 15: A Free/Libre Software Laptop That Respects Your Essential Freedoms

The Purism Librem 15 is the first high-end laptop in the world that ships without mystery software in the kernel, operating system, or any software applications. Every other consumer-grade laptop you can purchase comes with an operating system that includes suspect, proprietary software, and there’s no way for you to know what that software does. The reality is that unless every aspect of your kernel, operating system, and software applications are free/libre and open source, there is no way to know that your computer is truly working in your best interest. Purism is the first to solve this problem. Read more.