Matt Ehret: The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret

Earth Intelligence

The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism- A Tactical Talk Interview with Dr Gunter Bechly and Matt Ehret

Recently I had the chance to joins the Discovery Institute’s Dr. Gunter Bechly and talk show host Zain Khan for a lively discussion on the failures of the Darwinian model of evolution to account for the evidence of directedness, creative leaps and order in the fossil records. We also discussed political agendas behind the origins and spread of Darwinism in the 19th century and why any honest scientist who cares about truth must recognize its invalidity in the face of empirical data.

Anthony Judge: Framing Dynamic Transcendence of Simplistic Cognitive Polarization Implication of circular configuration of targets, dartboards, mandalas, codons and hexagrams

Cultural Intelligence

Framing Dynamic Transcendence of Simplistic Cognitive Polarization

Implication of circular configuration of targets, dartboards, mandalas, codons and hexagrams

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

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Ed Jewett: Demi Lovato: “Gender Reveal Parties Are Transphobic”

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Media

Demi Lovato: “Gender Reveal Parties Are Transphobic”

Ex-Disney star Demi Lovato posted on Instagram a story explaining how gender reveal parties are “transphobic”. The reasoning behind this post and the agenda behind it is simply terrifying.

“… if propaganda can convince people that “sex is not based on genitalia”, it can convince people of anything…..”
“… It is about weaponizing the word “transphobic” to thoroughly cleanse society from the concept of gender. In short, it’s all about the gender-blurring agenda I’ve been warning about since 2013…..”

Matt Ehret: Open vs. Closed Systems – Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University

06 Russia, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Open vs Closed Systems- Lecture to Moscow National Research Nuclear University

If the system intrinsic nature is presumed closed, and boundaries absolute, then fascism, zero-sum thinking and depopulation will be an unavoidable consequence. If on the other hand the system is presumed open, with relative boundaries to our growth potential, then society may yet have the ability to overcome many of the gravest challenges pressing upon our species going into a future of win-win cooperation, multipolarism and creative reason.

The three primary case studies which I explored during this short presentation include 1) the Arctic as a platform of cooperation or war, 2) the middle east under bombs, drones and regime change or the New Silk Road and finally 3) Space exploration.

Video below the fold.

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