Given the manipulation of reality by MSM and BigTech, one must wonder, is post-Zoom world a world in which reality is totally controlled by the cabal?
Yoda: A Second Declaration of Independence?
Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace IntelligenceThe 2nd Declaration of Independence – Power back to the People
Phi Beta Iota: Difficult to read in its present form. A video of it being read is at the above link.
#UNRIG Video (13:11) Jim Willie on US Corporation Bankruptcies, Q, America First, DJT Return
Interviews BY RobertMatt Ehret: How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed
Corruption, Government, Law EnforcementHow the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed
Since it has become increasingly evident that a vast extension of the Patriot Act will soon be unveiled that threatens to re-define “the war on terror” to include essentially anyone who disagrees with the governing neoliberal agenda, it is probably a good time to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.
Answers on OSINT for India 35: Should OSINT Technical Be Separate from OSINT Analysis?
DesignDo you think it wise to distribute OSINT into two components- analytical vs technical. Technical here means all those tools and wares that help in analysis. It doent mean any alleged omnipotent search engine that searches every thing.
For example, while ACH (Analysis of Competing Hypotheses) is an analytical method while the software that was later on developed by Mr. Heuer helped analysts feed in loads of data and reduce time taken for analysis.
Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Software: The Community Model in 2021
#OSE Open Source EverythingOpen Source Software: The Community Model in 2021
I read “Why I Wouldn’t Invest in Open-Source Companies, Even Though I Ran One.” I became interested in open source search when I was assembling the first of three editions of Enterprise Search Report in the early 2000s.
Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Software: The Community Model in 2021”
Mongoose: Treason Most Foul? – HR 1 As Sponsored by Rep. John P. Sarbanes (D-MD-3)
Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, PoliticsH.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021
As summarized by Alert Reader (15 Cultural Marxism moves itemized below) . . .