Tom Atlee: The Shift NOT Made by Obama – From Two to Many

Cultural Intelligence, Politics
Tom Atlee

Post-election: A collective shift from divided to wise

Dear friends,

President Obama said in his 2012 victory speech that “we are not as divided as our politics suggests”.  He also argued that we are more united than our politics makes us think we are.  Finally, he hinted that we are more diverse than our politics suggests.  All of these are important truths.

However, President Obama failed to take the next step, the step that would make all the difference in the world, the step we must make through which we come to recognize how changing our political system will enable us to creatively use both our diversity and our common ground to generate public wisdom.

It is painful to watch the thrashings and lurchings of our quasi-democratic country, particularly during the spectacle of a presidential election.  Our political system takes our vast diversity and, with tremendous verbal and ideological violence, mashes it down into two opposing forces.  At the same time, it splits our vast common ground and fences it off to separate and solidify those two opposing armies.

After all, it is far easier to win a victorious majority if there are only two options, two sides, two ways of looking at the world.  If there are three – or, heaven help us, thousands – winning a majority suddenly seems impossible to achieve.

Yet those two options, those two sides, those two worldviews are false – always.  The passionate dichotomies that seems so solid to us as the warlike electoral fervor grows are mirages, hallucinations, cloud shadows.  The categorical flags around which we rally, the castle boxes into which we gather in solidarity are simply not real; they do not stand up to close scrutiny, any more than the generalizations of racism and sexism do.  They seduce us into the thrall of potent and degrading oversimplifications of who we are and how we think and feel and what is really possible for us as a people, as a community, as a world.  They are prisons masquerading as knowledge and power.

Continue reading “Tom Atlee: The Shift NOT Made by Obama – From Two to Many”

Mini-Me: US-UK to Persist in Destabilizing Syria — Never Mind the Fiscal Cliff, Decade of War “Coming to An End” Etcetera

Government, Ineptitude
Who? Mini-Me?


2012-11-07  Britain to organise armed Syrian rebels into efficient fighting force

2012-11-07   Efforts to oust Assad from Syria shift after US presidential election concludes

2012-11-07  UN flays Syria war spillover

2012-11-06  Syria envoy warns country could turn into Somalia

2012-11-06  From a distance, Syria ‘feels' like Iraq in 2004

Phi Beta Iota:  “Do not throw stones when you live in a glass house.”  We are already seeing discussions on the Internet about destabilizing the UK — here is one example:

This gives the Syrian government the full right to organize a militia of ex-cons in the UK to take down the government there by assassinations, cars explosions, shelling residential neighborhoods in main UK cities with mortar & artillery in retaliation.

Gold Transformer: Has US Stolen German Gold? Will This Break German Bank? Does This Make IMF Chicago Plan Revisited a “Must Do”?

03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government
Gold Transformer

Germany financial architecture is under stress. If Germany fractures, Euro is gone. Could the US alleged theft of 1500 metric tons of German gold be part of the problem? Could this make the IMF August 2012 working group memorandum on The Chicago Proposal Revisited a “must do”?

7 Nov 2012  Does Anyone Really Know How Much Gold Is Held By The World's Central Banks?

7 Nov 2012  Where's The Gold?

5 Nov 2012  German gold reserves stored in NY Fed Reserve in safe hands – Dombret

31 Oct 2012  Golden Haarp & Allocated Gold Exposure

31 Oct 2012  More And More Germans Want Their Gold Back

31 Oct 2012  Why do the Germans want their gold back?

22 Oct 2012   FLASH: German gold report reveals secret sales that likely were part of swaps

Continue reading “Gold Transformer: Has US Stolen German Gold? Will This Break German Bank? Does This Make IMF Chicago Plan Revisited a “Must Do”?”

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: John Maguire

Alpha M-P, Public Intelligence

maguire newJohn was born and raised in Upstate New York. A self-proclaimed Natural Philosopher and autodidact, he attained his undergraduate degree in History Education in 2007. Believing truth and authenticity are the only things worth pursuing, most of his days revolve around such aims.

He has published several research articles on the subject of Cold Fusion (aka CF-LENR), and has also conducted a number of audio-interviews with preeminent researchers in the field, all posted on the net. He contributes regularly at Phi Beta Iota, the public intelligence blog, and is an active member of the Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS) community; a private online discussion group where all the top CF-LENR scientific professionals gather to dialogue about the most recent developments in the field.

His work has been featured on and, and he is also on the advisory board of the newly formed Infusion Institute (aka III); a non-profit 501© whose mission is to connect worthy CF-LENR experimentalists with research grants. John Maguire's YouTube Channel John Maguire's Blog Phi Beta Iota / John Maguire

Eagle: Colorado and Washington Legalize Marijuana

03 Economy, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
300 Million Talons…

States Right tio Legalize Marijuana

ETHAN NADELMANN, Drug Policy Alliance

USA TODAY, 7 November 2012

The decision of the voters in Washington and Colorado to legalize and regulate marijuana much like alcohol, and the passage of medical marijuana in Massachusetts balanced by rejection in Oregon and Arkansas, I believe, is the beginning of the end of Prohibition. This issue is also going to become a significant part of the growing trend of schism amongst the bio-regions, I believe.

Social progressives should step forward and say, “You know, you guys on the right are correct.” We too embrace states rights.

Washington State and Colorado made history tonight by becoming the first states in the United States – to approve the legal regulation of marijuana.

Continue reading “Eagle: Colorado and Washington Legalize Marijuana”

Graphic: Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax

03 Economy, 11 Society, Ethics, Government, Office of Management and Budget
Click on Image to Enlarge


Dummy Version:  Generates $4 trillion a year without borrowing and allowing the elimination of ALL other taxes beginning with personal income taxes.  Allows for the recapitalization of our labor pool, our domestic infrastructure, and our Department of Defense (450-ship Navy, long-haul Air Force, air-liftable Army, Marines back on the boats).

Formal Description and References Below the Line

Continue reading “Graphic: Automated Payment Transaction (APT) Tax”

Eagle: German View of America’s Decline – Five Step Healing Process Proposed by Robert Steele

Cultural Intelligence
300 Million Talons…

Divided States of America:  Notes on the Decline of a Great Nation



The United States is frittering away its role as a model for the rest of the world. The political system is plagued by an absurd level of hatred, the economy is stagnating and the infrastructure is falling into a miserable state of disrepair. On this election eve, many Americans are losing faith in their country's future.

No System to Protect Against Storm Surges

A Land of Limited Opportunities

A Lack of Strength

Read Part I