Smart Planet: Google Data Center Interior


An inside look at Google’s data centers

By Kirsten Korosec | October 17, 2012

Google has long kept details about its data centers–everything from the number of servers and design of the building to its energy use and –from the prying eyes of the public. Very few people, with the exception of its critical data center employees, have actually stepped foot into one of these facilities.

For the first time, Google has lifted the veil on its data centers to give folks a peek inside its facilities via a “virtual visit.” Google’s new site Where the Internet Lives provides an inside view of its data centers, including dozens of amazingly cool photos from Connie Zhou (pictured here) as well as information about the technology in these facilities and how the company protects your data.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Google began sharing some information about its data centers in the past year, including its best practices and some energy consumption information. This latest sharing session goes far beyond its previous efforts with its photos, interviews, a video tour and even its Google street view feature, which allows user to explore the company’s Lenoir, North Carolina data center.

Google went one step further and let Steven Levy, a reporter from Wired behind the curtain.

All of this transparency matters as data centers, racing to keep up with our emails, video and Internet searches, gobble up an increasing amount of energy and store more of our private information. Security and energy efficiency are its two big challenges. Google has combated the latter with a host of solutions, such as creating a seawater-cooled data center in Finland and more simple innovations like turning up the thermostat in its data centers.

Photos: Google/Connie Zhou

Graphic: Four World-Brain Web Sites in University of the 21st Century Context

Analysis, Balance, Budgets & Funding, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, Education, Geospatial, Graphics, History, ICT-IT, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Political, Processing, Reform, Resilience, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes, True Cost
Click on Image to Enlarge

Source: 2012 Strategic Thinking on Future of GW

Mini-Me: Eustace Mullins Books & Videos — a Deep Look Into the Origins of Western Financial Crime & Terror with Politicians as the Best of the Servant Class

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
Who? Mini-Me?


First read Wikipedia / Eustace Mullins


A central theme of Mullins' book is that the Federal Reserve allows bankers to monetize debt, creating it out of nothing by book entry, and thus they have enormous leverage over everyone else. Near the end of the book, he said of the Federal Reserve:

The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of dynastic families comprising what the author terms “The World Order”. The Federal Reserve system is a central bank operating in the United States. Although the student will find no such definition of a central bank in the textbooks of any university, the author has defined a central bank as follows: It is the dominant financial power of the country which harbors it. It is entirely private-owned, although it seeks to give the appearance of a governmental institution. It has the right to print and issue money, the traditional prerogative of monarchs. It is set up to provide financing for wars. It functions as a money monopoly having total power over all the money and credit of the people.

Then watch this YouTube (58:19) Eustace Mullins – The New World Order (Full Length)

Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), America's foremost bank examiner, appears for the first time in a full studio production interview with “The Mouth of the South,” Bobby Lee. Mullins, a renowned author, lecturer and scholar reveals over 50 years of intensive research in an incredible true story and documentation of the conspiracy against the patriotic, hard working families of middle America.

Eustace Mullins can rightly be called not only America's premier populist historian, but he is a titanic figure on the landscape of American and world history, as a consequence of his monumental contributions to the arena of political, economic and philosophical discussion. Debt, Taxation, Inflation, Deflation, Bankruptcy; in the New World Order, there's nothing new under the sun.

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