Event: 20 Nov 09 NYC Howard Bloom Reality Rant


What:  A Roaring Rant With Howard Bloom–A Reality Sandwich Salon

When: November 20, 2009, 7 pm

Where: Collective Hardware, 169 Bowery, Manhattan

Who: YOU!  Open, just show up.

The Genius of the Beast: A Radical ReVision of Capitalism comes to life when Howard Bloom blasts the stage. Says the Village Voice, “machine-gun raconteur scientist (and ex-PR magnate to the stars) Howard Bloom .” is a ““speaker of incendiary mercurial intellect.” Bloom's first NYC roaring rant in four years. Don't miss it.

Emceed by Reality Sandwich founder Daniel Pinchbeck, who disagrees with Bloom about EVERYTHING.

Forget sparks. Minds will fly!


Howard Bloom is the author of the spanking new book The Genius of the Beast: A Radical ReVision of Capitalism (“exhilaratingly-written and masterfully-researched.  I couldn't put it down.”–James Burke); not to mention The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History (“mesmerizing”-The Washington Post); Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century (“reassuring and sobering”-The New Yorker): and How I Accidentally Started The Sixties (“a monumental, epic, glorious literary achievement.”  Timothy Leary).

PACOM Week in Review Ending 15 Nov 09


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Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “PACOM Week in Review Ending 15 Nov 09”

Journal: Real-Time Intelligence & Medicare Fraud

07 Health, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Real Time

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Govt: Medicare paid $47 billion in suspect claims


The Associated Press
Sunday, November 15, 2009; 1:58 AM

WASHINGTON — The government paid more than $47 billion in questionable Medicare claims including medical treatment showing little relation to a patient's condition, wasting taxpayer dollars at a rate nearly three times the previous year.  . . . . . .

n recent years, the suspect claims have included Medicare prescriptions from doctors who were dead, and requests for payment for medical supplies such as blood glucose strips for sexual impotence and diabetic shoes for leg amputees. Patients, many of them new citizens who barely speak English, are sometimes recruited by brokers who go door-to-door offering hundreds of dollars for use of their Medicare numbers.  . . . . . .

Records released in the past week showed that CMS for three years ignored internal watchdog warnings about swindlers stealing millions of dollars by scamming several Medicare programs. The agency received roughly 30 warnings from inspectors but didn't respond to half of them, even after repeated letters.

Continue reading “Journal: Real-Time Intelligence & Medicare Fraud”

Reference: Chinese Information Warfare

02 China, Monographs

Full Report Online
Full Report Online

Phi Beta Iota: Read the report and draw your own conclusions.  On balance we give it a C+ [this is actually a complement]  in part because it cost too much to get to this point, neglects all Chinese and other language sources, neglects or is unaware of the non-military capabilites, and is completely lacking in context–the Chinese are NOT emphasizing attack IW as much as capture and exploit IW, in all the languages we do not comprehend, and for the purpose of waging peace and conquering, with soft power, the entire Southern Hemisphere.  Our two-pager on Chinese Irregular Warfare is free and more policy-relevant.  See also:

Journal: CINCPAC Slams IC on China

Reference: Information Operations (IO) Newsletters

Review: Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World

Review: The Second World–Empires and Influence in the New Global Order

Reference: United Nations Terrorism Desirata

09 Terrorism, Communities of Practice, Peace Intelligence, United Nations & NGOs

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Recommended by Researcher Berto Jongman.

2009-11-15 UN Overview of Terrorism Research Desirata Gestation

2009-11-15 UN List of Terrorism Research Priorities

Phi Beta Iota: Researcher Berto Jongman is a disciple and most respectful student of the work of Alex Schmid and more recently, the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) practices of Researcher Arno Reuser, who leads one of a handful of military OSINT teams that are truly on the bleeding edge of accomplishment and global access (analog & unpublished as well as the obvious).

Continue reading “Reference: United Nations Terrorism Desirata”

Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101

Analysis, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Threats

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

COVER STORY: The Cyberwar Plan  It's not just a defensive game; cyber-security includes attack plans too, and the U.S. has already used some of them successfully.

by Shane Harris Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

14 tech firms form cybersecurity alliance for government Lockheed Martin, top suppliers launch initiative for government market

By Wyatt Kash  Nov 12, 2009

Phi Beta Iota: It is a scam, big time.  The U.S. does not have–outside of our small number of colleagues in Hackers on Planet Earth and the Silicon Valley Hackers/THINK Conference–the brainpower and cummulative skills to fill the Potemkin Center, much less staff a capability with global reach.

Continue reading “Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101”

Journal: Fort Hood Cognitive Dissonance Round-Up

04 Education, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Analysis, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Military

Major Hasan Analysis by Webster Tarpley (16 Pages)
Major Hasan Analysis by Webster Tarpley (16 Pages)


What Hollywood Can Teach Us About the Fort Hood Massacre Christina News Service, Friday, November 13, 2009 By Chuck Muth

Most Americans have this whole Fort Hood massacre all wrong. Maj. Nidal M. Hassan was not a terrorist.  And he wasn’t a mass murderer.  And he may not even have been a coward.  Maj. Hassan was an enemy combatant.

A Man in a Hundred By ALEXANDER COCKBURN CounterPunch Weekend Edition November 13-15, 2009

The general obviously doesn’t have Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire on his bedside table. Gibbon wrote flatly that the introduction of foreigners “into Roman armies became every day more universal, more necessary and more fatal.”

Is Fort Hood Really a “Tragedy?” Pajamas Media by Victor Davis Hanson November 14, 2009

Something has gone terribly wrong in the entire reaction to the Ft. Hood massacres, as evidenced by the media, the administration, the military authorities, and perhaps the public at large.

Continue reading “Journal: Fort Hood Cognitive Dissonance Round-Up”