Review: Orange Man Good – Cartoons from President Trump’s First Term BUY TODAY at Amazon, In Time For Gifting on Christmas!

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Cultural Intelligence

Ben Garrison

5 Star America's Greatest Conservative Cartoonist Charts the Ups, the Downs, the Laughs, the Criminal Insanity of the Deep State (Goliath) Against the Orange Man (David)

There are no page numbers but I estimate this is over 250 CLASSIC cartoons that are a form of conservative cultural commentary that is priceless, particularly so in the face of all the fake news and lies put out by the Mainstream Media (MSM) and Social Media aka BigTech aka #GoogleGestapo, all censoring and deplaforming people like Ben because they not only  tell the truth with humor, they do so with panache, with elan, with CHARACTER.

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Zero Hedge: Durham Seeks to Indict Brennan?


Durham Reportedly Seeking Ex-CIA Director Brennan's Emails, Call Logs Over Russian Probe

Specifically, Durham has requested Brennan’s emails, call logs, and other documents from the C.I.A. (and judging by Barr's statement that “other agencies are cooperating very well,” we suspect Durham will get what he wants.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Durham Seeks to Indict Brennan?”

Owl: Vulture Capitalism is Zionist Capitalism

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commercial Intelligence
Who? Who?

Vulture Capitalism is Jewish Capitalism

With the profits of exploitation, they fund campaigns for homosexuality and mass migration, boost Zionist politics, invest millions in security for Jews, and promote wars for Israel.

Phi Beta Iota: Zionists are giving Jews a bad name.   The Jews themselves must decide on the urgency of separation. At the highest levels of finance there is neither integrity nor religion, only Satanic predation.

Berto Jongman: Epigenics — Parenting MATTERS. Nurture Inherited Down 14 Generations

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations, Game-Changing Research Reveals

The burgeoning field of epigenetics, however, is overturning these tenets, and ushering in a school of thought where nurture, not nature, is seen to be the predominant influence when it comes to genetic expression and our freedom from or affliction by chronic disease.