DefDog: Montana Governor shuts down gun grabbers, forbids state and local police from enforcing federal firearm laws

Ethics, Government

Governor shuts down gun grabbers, forbids state and local police from enforcing federal firearm laws

On Friday, the Republican signed into law House Bill 258. It will prohibit state and local law enforcement officials from enforcing any federal ban or regulation on firearms, magazines and ammunition. It also prohibits the use of state funds to impose federal bans and regulations of these items.

Read full article.

Yoda: Gatorade for the Gulag

Cultural Intelligence

Alert Reader recommends:

Gatorade for the Gulag

The real value of Gulag is not just in Solzhenitsyn’s lived experience that depicted the cruelties of such a regime (and this book was read by tens of thousands of “me too” survivors who validated every word of it). Gulag exposed what Communism and Socialism really are about, and presents a brilliant psychological analysis of what is at the core of both systems:

The thirst for power.

Read full illustrated article.

Ben Fulford: End of Empire for Davos Crowd as Pandemic Totalitarian Power Grab Implodes

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

ROBERT STEELE: I continue to regard my subscription to Ben Fulford's weekly update as priceless. Best $11 a month I could spend.

Here is today's headline and first five paragraphs, register today!

End of Empire for Davos Crowd as Pandemic Totalitarian Power Grab Implodes

If I was a member of the group of would-be God-Kings of Planet Earth in Davos right now I would be scared, very scared.  That is because their long and meticulously planned use of a manufactured pandemic to start a Totalitarian World Government is imploding.  Instead, they are about to face a War Crimes Tribunal that will make Nuremberg look like a kindergarten slap on the wrist.

These people have been trying very hard to kill a majority of the world’s population for decades now and have already killed far more people than Adolf Hitler ever did.  They have now lost control of most of the world’s military power.  This can be seen by the fact the people running the Joe Biden avatar “government” were denied entry into the Pentagon and now plan to run to NATO headquarters to seek protection.  Protection that NATO cannot provide because nobody is willing to use nuclear weapons on their behalf, Pentagon, Russian FSB, French and British military sources say.

They are also losing their grip on the global media and financial control grid.  So, when the sleepwalking portion of the public wakes up to the cabal’s horrific crimes, they won’t be in a forgiving mood.

Here from a 1981 book by Bilderberger Jacques Attalli is an example of their mindset:

“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population…Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps.  We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good…We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it.  The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated.  We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.  The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”

Now we have a news anchor confirming this plan with a Freudian slip where he says “almost four months into the vaccination effort providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized.”

Caitlin Johnstone: The Mass Media Will Never Regain The Public’s Trust

Corruption, Government

This year has marked the first time ever that trust in news media dropped below fifty percent in the United States, continuing a trend of decline that's been ongoing for years.

Mass media punditry is divided on where to assign the blame for the plummet in public opinion of their work, with some blaming it on Russia and others blaming it on Donald Trump. Others, like a recent Forbes article titled “Restoring Public Trust In Technology And Media Is Infrastructure Investment” blame it on the internet. Still others, like a Washington Post article earlier this month titled “Bad news for journalists: The public doesn’t share our values” blame it on the people themselves.

Read her full article HERE

Marshall Masters: The Liberation of Humanity

11 Society, Corruption, Education, Government

A terrible vengeance will claim millions if not hundreds of millions and trigger a global freedom movement into action in the months ahead.

Concurrently, the hotly suppressed election audit in Maricopa County, AZ, if allowed to proceed, will set in motion Trump’s eventual return to the White House, wherever that may be.

Continue reading “Marshall Masters: The Liberation of Humanity”