Mongoose: The Government Regulatory-Industrial Complex — “Pay to Play” Rules for the 1% against the 99% for Wall Street Against Main Street

Corruption, Government

The Regulatory-Industrial Complex

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Mises Institute

…being on Capitol Hill showed me that, unlike the republic of the Founding Fathers' vision, our DC Leviathan exists only to extract money and power from the people for itself and the special interests.

Ludwig von Mises called this an inevitable “caste conflict.” There can be no natural class conflict in society, Mises showed, since the free market harmonizes all economic interests, but in a system of government-granted privileges, there must be a struggle between those who live off the government and the rest of us. It is a disguised struggle, of course, since truth threatens the loot.

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Election 2020 – Week to 19 May 2019

Cultural Intelligence

Sunday, 19 May 2019 — Praise be to God!

Big Picture. Joe Biden-Kamala Harris dream ticket? Sanders-McKinney would be more powerful but Sanders probably is not smart enough to see that. Predatory capitalism is a factor — Trump needs to put Wall Street down in order to win over Main Street a second time. This makes Bill De Blasio (married to a woman of color) a much more serious candidate than some might think. Mark Cuban would be interesting as an Independent challenger in 2020, if only to push the President on America First not Israel First — oh, wait, Mark Cuban is Jewish.Ā  Hmmm.Ā  Cuban and Schultz and Bloomberg.Ā  All Jewish.Ā  Whatever are we to make of that? We are including candidates in the big picture section because NONE OF THEM including Trump have yet achievedĀ  #UNRIG “unity through integrity” authenticity — people not parties, authentic, inclusive, truthful. And then, suddenly, from nowhere, comes Marianne Williamson…founder of the Course in Miracles.Ā  This is a wild card.Ā  A very good wild card. The President needs to take notice. Dems are starting to think more deeply about the economy and undecided/inactive voters, can focusing on Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida as states that can be flipped.Ā  They are right on two of them.

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Jack Mullen: Israel Demands New War: War With Iran is the War to Deliberately Destroy America

Peace Intelligence

Israel Demands New War: War With Iran is the War to Deliberately Destroy America

In a nutshell, the United States has been at war in the Middle East, for the purposes of Israelā€™s plans for world domination since 1991 ā€“ 28 years! The longest War in American history.

Iran has done nothing to the United States and in fact is a peaceful nation which has not attacked another nation in hundreds of years. This war is to fulfill Israelā€™s fantasy of biblical prophecy, not on their Godā€™s timetable, but rather on the timetable of the madmen controlling Israel and the government of the United States.

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Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Planning to Deplatform & Terminate Funding (PayPal, Stripe) of Conservative Candidates in 2020


Stripe Deplatforms Independent Candidate Tommy Robinson Days Before EU Election

Tommy Robinson, a right-wing activist and independent candidate for the EU elections, was bounced off of Stripe this week, severely limiting his ability to fundraise in the crucial final weeks of the campaign. Robinson is an official candidate on the ballot for the EU Parliament election in the North West of England on May 23rd.

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